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How Dragon Fruit Cultivation Easy and Fast

Dragon fruit is one type of fruit favored by the community. This is very related to the efficacy of the dragon fruit itself. Dragon fruit is very efficacious for the treatment of various diseases such as cancer, boost immunity, lower cholesterol, and diabetes mellitus. Because of this, dragon fruit demand is very large. It would not hurt to try this fruit business if not able to sell it, you can consume it yourself.

Maybe you are cultivating dragon fruit requires a very large land. You need to know right now you can also cultivate dragon fruit at home even if you only have a small yard. Currently, dragon fruit trends in pots become a trend among fruit lovers. If you are interested, please enter the way of dragon fruit cultivation in the following pot.

Of course, before compiling dragon fruit in pots there are some things that need to be. Preparing the Places to Plant the Dragon Fruit
Because you want to do the technique of planting dragon fruit in pots then the first thing you should prepare is a pot as a place to plant dragon fruit seeds. Pots that are used for dragon fruit fruit media are very flexible.

You can use plastic pots, clay, cement, to drums or used tins. To maximize the growth of dragon fruit, there is your gun using a pot made of clay to keep the temperature of this plant. Use large pots about 40 cm because the larger the pot size it will be better for dragon fruit can grow up.

Preparing the Media to Plant Dragon Fruit

After determining the type of pot that is used to plant dragon fruit, now is the time you start farming with media planting. Prepare sand, manure, soil, and compost.

The comparability of each ingredient is 2: 3: 1: 1. Regular, brick farmers and agricultural lime sufficiently. Mix all the ingredients flat and then flush with water. Allow the planting mixture the day before before it is used to grow dragon fruit.

Preparing the Pillar

One of the functions of this pole is as a support for dragon fruit is not easily collapsed. If dragon fruit has grown large, the pole will be wrapped by the roots of the plant. It would be better if the climbing pole was made of iron about 8 cm to 10 cm in diameter. make sure not to waver. You can give the legs on the pole to sturdy and strong support the dragon fruit roots.

Planting Seedlings

You should pay attention to how to plant dragon fruit seeds for plants to grow maximum. Of course with the understanding of how to plant dragon fruit in the right pot, you do not need to see the plant die because you do not understand how to plant it. Although still seed, please select a large seed. Choose seeds whose trunk is dark green. Make sure also if the seeds are free from disease. One of the tips to plant dragon fruit seeds is about the size of the seeds. The ideal size of dragon fruit seeds ready to be planted in pots is about 30cm.

After selecting a good quality seed, plant at a depth of about 10cm around the pole you have prepared earlier. No need to plant dragon fruit seeds too deep because menamannya too deep is not good for the growth of dragon fruit itself. Trim the soil around dragon fruit seedlings by pressing the soil. In addition to tidying the soil, ground press also serves to strengthen the dragon fruit seed stems so as not to easily collapse. After ensuring the seeds of the stone perfectly, flush the pot with water.

Place pots containing dragon fruit seeds in areas exposed to direct sunlight. As described above, the process of planting dragon fruit in a pot is very easy to do. The way is not much different from how to plant the plant in general. If you are one of the dragon fruit lovers, there is no harm in trying to plant it yourself at home.