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15 Benefits of Guava Crystals Nutrition for Health

Guava Crystals. Surely this type of guava is already familiar in your ears. This type of guava which is also often called guava is one type of delicious guava and also popular among the people, not only Indonesia and even in the world. This guava generally consists of two types, namely guava crystals with seeds and the contents are red and also have the contents or seeds are white.

Both are very delicious eaten, the difference is only found in color and texture only. Their nutrients and minerals are not much different from each other. to obtain this crystal guava is very easy. You can find guava crystals in traditional markets, to big supermarkets.

There are many ways you can do to enjoy the delights of this crystal guava, among others:

  • Immediately eaten just like that
  • Made into juice
  • Be mixed in soup / ice fruit

Well, you who often consume this crystal guava, whether already know the benefits? Or do not know yet? For more details, let's see what are the benefits of this crystal guava. Here are some of these benefits you should know:

1. Suitable for beverage
For those of you who love to tamper with groceries, you can use this crystal guava as a drink by way of juiced. In addition, it can also dikreasikan into a variety of menus by using the basic ingredients of this crystal.

2. Good for people with diarrhea
The benefits of cashew crystals have a high fiber, and also guava crystals contain compounds called astringents. This astringents compound turned out to be one of the actors who can kill the bacteria that became the cause of diarrheal disease.

3. Prevent difficult bowel movements or constipation
Do you feel constipated, or difficult to defecate? If so, you should try to diligently mengkonche guava crystal. Guava Crystals have high fiber content. With the high fiber owned by this crystal guava, then definitely constipation and difficult bowel that you experience in complete, because one of the factors that cause this constipation is the lack of fiber in the body.

4. Treating cough and flu
The benefits of guava crystals for health is very good for reducing lenders in the throat. In addition, the guava crystals themselves can also be a hindrance to the activity of germs and microbes that cause your flu cough.

5. Maintain healthy skin
Already know what are the benefits of vitamin E, especially for the skin? Yes, guava crystals are one type of fruit that also has a lot of vitamin E. Of course vitamin E is very good benefits, especially for skin health. Vitamin E can help:

  • Prevents dry and scaly skin
  • Lifting dead skin cells
  • Brighten the face
  • Nourish the skin from the inside
  • Maintain skin moisture

6. Maintain a sense of satiety
You feel hungry, but not yet your time to eat? If so, you can consume this crystal guava for your snack. The benefits of cashew crystal has a high carbohydrate and potassium, so it can eliminate hunger.

In addition, the protein content and fiber content that is present in this fruit can help maintain your satiety for long lasting and not easily hungry.

7. Good for digestive health
Fiber is one of the most important substances for your digestive health. with the fiber, then your digestion will become more fluent, and you can also avoid a variety of digestive problems that would greatly disrupt your activities.

8. Maintain and increase endurance
Various kinds of vitamins and minerals contained in crystal guava have benefits. Certainly very good to keep your immune system. Keeping your immune system well and perfect, then you will:
  • Avoid from various diseases
  • Always fit and fresh in the move
  • Maintain focus
9. As an antioxidant substance
Guava Crystals also have excellent benefits as one of the antioxidant substances. Antioxidants found in guava crystals is very good to ward off free radicals that become ringleader of various diseases, such as cancer and other chronic diseases. In addition, free radicals also play a role in the premature aging process, especially in the skin area.

10. Good for eye health
The benefits of cashew crystals have vitamin A content that is also quite high. Vitamin A, in addition to maintaining endurance, is also very good for maintaining eye health. This will help you in preventing and also treating various kinds of eye disorders, such as:
  • Nearsighted
  • Farsighted
  • Astigmatism
  • Chicken piss
  • cataract
11. Provide energy for the body
Proteins, carbohydrates, fiber and vitamin complexes that exist in the guava fruit crystal, can provide excellent energy for the body. In addition, guava also has sugar content, which of course is very useful for daily body energy needs.

12. Good for bone health
Who says only milk is good for bone health? Apparently fruits also have good benefits for bone health. One of them is this crystal guava fruit, because it has a very good calcium content for your bone health.

13. Treating canker sores
Vitamin C in the guava crystals certainly will be very effective to prevent and also treat canker sores you experience.

14. Prevent anemia
The benefits of guava crystals for health also contain iron. This iron can help you to prevent the emergence of symptoms of anemia, such as:
  • Easily tired
  • Tired
  • Sluggish
  • Often does not focus on work and bearchtivity.
15. Prevent infections as well as viruses
Various kinds of vitamins and minerals that exist in this crystal guava fruit has a very important properties as anti-bacterial, anti-infective and anti-inflammatory. That means, the guava fruit is good to prevent various health problems associated with infection, inflammation and viruses in the body.