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Avocado Benefits For Health, Beauty & Hair

Avocado benefits are important to our health, many of the benefits of avocado that we do not realize can help us prevent dangerous diseases and increase metabolism. Benefits of this avocado is very varied ranging from for simple diseases and diseases that are very dangerous such as cancer that not only we get from the benefits of mangosteen skin and soursop benefits.

Before we discuss in more detail about the benefits of avocado, it's good we know the various nutrients contained in the avocado.

  • Healthy fats

Make no mistake, the fat in the avocado is good fats, the portion reaches about three quarters of the total calories from the avocado fruit. This means that fat has a fairly high content in this avocado fruit. The fat content is monounsaturated fat, in the form of oleic acid. Monounsaturated fats are considered as good fats that can reduce bad cholesterol levels in the blood, lowering the risk of stroke and heart disease.

  • Protein

Each avocado consists of about 4 grams of protein, this content is much more compared with other fruits.

  • Sugar

Sugar in this fruit is quite small, next to avocado fruit consists of 0.2 g sugar, so not too dangerous for those of you who are worried about blood sugar.

  • Vitamins and Minerals

Like other fruit, of course avocado also has a very high content of vitamins and minerals. It has potassium potassium (its content is bigger than a banana). In addition, avocado is rich in vitamin K, vitamin B9, vitamin B6, vitamin B5 vitamin C, and vitamin E.2

  • Fiber

Medium-sized fruits contain 11 grams of fiber, nearly half of the daily fiber needed by the body.

Next let us discuss one by one the benefits of avocado for the health of the human body.

Benefits of Avocado

  • Benefits of Avocado For Hair

Avocado for hair has long been used in various countries, the pioneer is ancient Egyptian population. The use of avocado for hair can be used as a cream bath. The benefits of creambath alone can help to black hair, making healthy hair shiny.

How to use it:

  1. Provide 1 ripe avocado
  2. Blend / juice without any cake.
  3. Rinse on the hair directly
  4. Allow 15 minutes
  5. Then rinse thoroughly.

Feel the effect within a few weeks after it's done.

  • Other Avocado Benefits For Body

Benefits of avocado is important for us to know to add insight and change our paradigm is wrong about the benefits of this avocado fruit. Mixture of benefits of honey and the benefits of this fruit will increase endurance and become our initial target in maintaining health and get a fresh body fit every day.

The most important thing is that we can take advantage of avocados for our health, health benefits are believed to have no replacement, which makes avocados our source of starting a healthy life.

  • Avocado For Diet

Still a lot of avocado efficacy for the diet that we can use to avoid misperception, generally people say avocado can gain weight drastically? is that true? not necessarily. Avocado is very fast filling which means to make your body more full until the main food consumption is less. Then how to diet tips.

  1. Avocado consumption before eating.
  2. Do it regularly, morning, afternoon, evening, before eating.
  3. Do not mix with excess sugar.
  4. Do not mix with milk.
  5. Eating directly without juice will be very helpful.