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Understanding Vitamin K

Vitamin K is a class of fat-soluble vitamins. These vitamins can be found in various foods, such as spinach, broccoli, soybeans, meat, eggs, strawberries, cereals, and vegetable oils. Adequacy of vitamin K intake plays an important role in the process of blood clotting and bone health.

Vitamin K deficiency is rare in adults, but is often experienced by newborns. This deficiency can lead to bleeding that is difficult to stop.
  • About Vitamin K

Group of Vitamins
Free Categories and recipes

  • Benefits
  1. Prevent or treat vitamin K deficiency
  2. Treat bleeding caused by anticoagulant drugs

Consumed by Adults and children
Forms of Tablet and Injectable Drugs
Category of pregnancy and lactation Category C: Animal experiments have shown fetal side effects, but no controlled studies have been conducted in pregnant women. Drugs should only be used if the expected benefits exceed the magnitude of the risk to the fetus.

Vitamin K that serves as a supplement can be purchased freely. As for the type of vitamin K used in the hospital to handle bleeding requires monitoring and prescription from the doctor.

  • Women who are planning a pregnancy, just giving birth, or are breastfeeding should ask your doctor before taking vitamin K supplements. Meanwhile, pregnant women should only consume them with doctor's advice.
  • Do not take vitamin K over the duration determined by the doctor.
  • Please be careful taking vitamin K supplements if using you are taking anticoagulant medications, suffering from kidney disorders, as well as suffering from liver disorders.
  • If there is an allergy or an overdose, see a doctor immediately.

Dosage of Vitamin K
In general, the dose to treat vitamin K deficiency in adults is 10-40 mg per day. While in the children, please ask the doctor. Determination of vitamin K supplement dosage depends on the severity of deficiency and the body's response to this supplement.

Meanwhile, to overcome the bleeding, the dose of vitamin K will be determined by the doctor who handles the case in the hospital.

Take Vitamin K Supplements Correctly
Use vitamin K supplements as described on the package. If you are in doubt, ask your doctor.

Vitamin K supplements may be consumed before or after meals. This vitamin will be absorbed by the body along with the fat from the food.

During vitamin K supplements, tell your doctor before undergoing any medical treatment. This supplement will affect your blood clotting process.

You are also advised to undergo routine checks to your doctor if you have vitamin K deficiency. This is done to monitor the progress of the condition and the effectiveness of this supplement.

For those who forget to take vitamin K supplements, it is advisable to do so immediately if the break with the next consumption schedule is not too close. When it is near, ignore and do not double the dose.

Interactions of Vitamin K and Other Drugs
There are a number of drugs that have the potential to cause undesirable reactions if taken in conjunction with vitamin K. Some of them include:
  • Antibiotics.
  • Anticoagulants.
  • Salicylate.
Recognize Side Effects and Dangers of Vitamin K
Some of the possible side effects after taking vitamin K supplements are:
  • Sweating.
  • Dizzy.
  • Changes to the taste bud.
  • The skin (especially on the face and neck) is red, hot, or tingling.
Immediately to the nearest hospital or see a doctor if symptoms appear:

  • Feel like to faint.
  • Hard to breathe.
  • Lips turn blue.
However, vitamin K supplements generally do not cause side effects if used according to the recommended dosage.