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how to cultivate gurame fish

The size of a 1000-tailed carp pond is a question of the farmers. This is very understandable considering the level of pool density is crucial to the success of carp culture in this case the size for optimal growth. If it is too dense it will cause the growth of the carp to slow down. But if it happens otherwise would reduce the potential benefits in terms of economic.

Number of Gurame Fish Per Square Meter
At the gouramy enlargement stage, the density of the stocking or the maximum number of carp fish is 20 heads per square meter. In general, the number of carp per square meter between 10-20 tail.

Pool Size of Gurame Fish
The size of a commonly used carp pond is between 100-500 m2. High water in the pond 70 cm with water discharge that goes into pond 15-20 liter / minute.

For large pond sizes exceeding 500 m2 the density should be reduced to at least 10 tail / m2 densities. With 80 cm height adjustment and 20 liters / minute water discharge.

Gurame 1000 Tail Pool Size At Stage Magnification
Well, if that will be stocked is 1000 carp then necessarily need to be adjusted to existing standards. With a maximum density of 20 tail / m2, then the minimum pool size required is 50 m2 to accommodate the 1000 carp.

However, the size of the carp pond for the 1000 tails we recommend should ideally use pool sizes with a range of 50-100 m2. 70 cm water level with 15-20 liter / minute water discharge. Then it will be in ideal density conditions in the range of 10-20 tail / m2. Please learn how to make fish carp ponds.

Do it right, carp is very fast growing and very profitable. These fish can also live in turbid water, reliable enough in survival, not quickly drunk what else to die.
