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8 Benefits of Erbis Fruit For Health

The fruit of the erbis is one of the most common fruits in Indonesia. This fruit is included as one type of passion fruit with a larger shape and oval than other types of passion fruit. This plant can flourish in areas with low land. soil pH with a number of about 5.5 to 6.5 to be a very appropriate medium for growing erbis fruit. This plant does not require much water so it is more comfortable to grow on dry land. The spread of erbis plants can be done by seeding the seeds and then move to the appropriate land. Better if planted in the rainy season.

Nutrition Content of Erbis Fruits

The fruit of the erbis contains many different types of nutrients that are very important to our body. Although in some areas this plant is only used as a living fence plant. Every 100 grams of erbis contains some ingredients such as:

energy (72kcal)
protein (0.5 grams)
carbohydrates (19 grams)
calcium (10 mg)
phosphorus (50 mg)
iron (1 mg)
vitamin A (10 IU)
vitamin C (a16 mg)
The fruit of the erbis contains a variety of nutrients that are essential for health. Consumption of erbis fruit can actually be done in an easy way. You can process it into juice or fruit for a snack. Natural taste of sweet, sour and refreshing erbis. Here are some of the benefits of erbis:

1. Maintain Bowel Health

In every 100 grams of erbis contains about 64 grams of soluble fiber which means that this type of fiber is very good for maintaining intestinal health. The benefits of soluble fiber in the fruits of erbis is very good for improving the process of amylase of the intestine is a process that can help change the complex sugar from food into simple sugars that can go straight into the digestive system. Fiber also lowers pH and ammonia levels in the intestine so it is very good for maintaining intestinal health.

The benefits of the fruits of erbis can also overcome the problem of bacterial imbalance in the intestine and prevent the possibility of tumos or colon cancer. Fiber is also good for preventing poultry and hemorrhoids.

2. Prevent Asthma

According to a study developed in Iran it is known that jelly and erbis skin contains special compounds and acids that can prevent asthma attacks for people with asthma at various scales.

The fruits of erbis also contain high antioxidant benefits that can overcome cancer and heart disease. The content of the flavonoid fruit compound can also be a natural antihistamine that prevents pain and tightness in people with asthma. Even the fruits of erbis can also overcome allergies and fever in people with asthma.

3. Prevent Heart Disease

The content of polyphenols in the fruits of erbis contains enormous benefits for maintaining heart health. The content of this compound can overcome the problem of blood vessels and keep blood vessels relaxed so as to cope with stress on blood vessels. Compounds and nutrients in the fruits of this erbis can also maintain heart health because it can support blood vessel work and overcome the damage of blood vessel system.

4. Prevent Cancer

Benefits The fruits of erbis contain high alkaloid and antioxidant compounds and can act as health agents that overcome free radical substances. In addition, erbis also contains phytochemicals such as carotenoids and polyphenols that can prevent the emergence of cancer cells. Types of acids found in erbis such as linoleic, oleic, palmitic and strearic acid can prevent breast cancer risk.

The fruit of the erbis is also important to overcome various types of fungal growth in the body, to overcome the various types of possible diseases caused by free radical substances.

5. Overcoming Sleep Disorders

Difficulty sleeping disorders such as insomnia can cause some types of diseases such as heart attack and cancer. This is because the body organs and cells in the body do not get the right oxygen supply. Eat fruit can overcome sleep disorders because it can cause a calming effect for thoughts and feelings. Eating fruits is recommended for all people who have trouble sleeping disorders.

6. Overcoming anxiety

Anxiety becomes one of the feelings that can increase stress and can affect the work of organs in general. Many people then suffer from serious illness just because they often feel anxious all the time. Anxiety disorders that last for a long time can also cause problems in blood pressure such as hypertension.

The content of erbis fruit filled with soothing effects can overcome the problem of anxiety disorders. Consumption in the form of juice or preserved with frozen can be a good solution to overcome anxiety.

7. Prevent Anemia

Anemia is one of the disorders caused by the lack of hemoglobin in the blood. Anemia attacks many women and adolescents who have undergone a period of menstrual cycles. If anemia is not treated then it can cause the patient lose productive times because anemia will cause the body to become weaker.

The fruits of erbis contain excellent iron and phosphorus benefits to increase the hemoglobin content in the blood. Regular consumption can reduce the risk of anemia and prevent anemia from coming back.

8. Sources of Antioxidants
The fruit of the erbis also contains a very high source of antioxidants. High content of antioxidants can overcome the growth of various types of cancer. In addition, antioxidants are also very good to prevent the problem of premature aging and maintain healthy skin, nails and hair.

Damage to various types of free radicals in the body not only cause cancer but also can affect the health of the skin, causing memory loss disorder and various common health problems in organs. So the benefits of erbis are highly recommended as a source of natural antioxidants.