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How to Cultivate Tilapia

Having a narrow page is really annoying because there is not much that can be done, even to plant a tree just can not because the branch must be hit the roof. But if you are a creative person, you can take advantage of the narrow land by looking for useful tips from various sources.

How to Cultivate Tilapia

There are many things you can do with such a narrow land. With creativity and a few valuable clues then you can create a fish pond in your yard. How come? It could be, though your land is small and narrow you can still create a pond to breed indigo red.

Red Nile Livestock

Tilapia is not only high value on the economic side but also high value in terms of nutrition and its benefits if consumed. Tilapia has been shown to contain many good proteins for the body and brain development. If you are really interested in raising indigo either black or red indigo then all you have to do is look for the technique of raising tilapia fish on narrow land that most likely also have little access to big water source.

There are many ways to breed on this narrow land and if you are creative and able to utilize all the potential that includes finding freshwater fish farming techniques from various parties such as fisheries department then it is not impossible you can meet your family protein intake from tilapia fish farming you. For that there are some things that if you can use or should you know to be able to maximize your narrow land.

Starting Tilapia Fish Cultivation

To start the cultivation of tilapia fish in your narrow yard then you must know how to cultivate tilapia in pond tarpaulin. Why tarpaulin pond? Yes, because with tarpaulins you do not need to land that is too broad and also you do not need to dig your pages too deep than that with tarpaulin you do not need too often supply water to your pond. With a tarpaulin pond a little bit of capital should you spend.

Preparing the Tarp Pond

First of all you have to do is prepare the pool. The pond should be made to a depth of approximately 50-75 cm to provide enough space for the indigo to breed perfectly. As you prepare the pond, then you need to think of the hatchery for the pond you are going to make. Tilapia seeds can be purchased from the fish seed shop or from the fishery department.

A good seed size of 5-10 cm. select healthy seeds by seeing their liveliness move. We go back to the pond you created. Once inside the pond has reached 50 cm, then you must compact the bottom of the pond and dipinggir pool made dikes and reinforced with bricks or brick. The bottom of the pool can also be given a brick for the base to be flat and hard. After that it is given a uniform husk and tarp can be installed. This method is similar to making ponds in coastal areas to prevent water loss.

Once the tarps are installed, make sure the tarp is securely locked on the edge of the pool. To be sure, give a brick or brick on the edge of the tarpaulin so that the tarpaulin is not easily changed shape that can cause water leakage. After all installed properly, fill the pool with water. This is to check whether there is a leak or not after filled with water, the pond is dried again for the next stage of preparation.

Preparation stage raising tilapia

After the pond is drained back, refine the water filling system as well as the drainage system and strengthen the edges of the pond. Give the bottom of the pond with lime as much as 25 grams - 1kg / m2 and also manure with the size of ½ KG / m2. After that, the pond is filled with water again. Let the water stagnate for 5-7 days before the seeds are spread.

For seedlings, then according to the instructions how the livestock tilapia is selected healthy and active and not attacked by viruses and bacteria. After 5-7 days tilapia seeds can be spread with the size of 5-10 tail / m2. To make the indigo grow quickly it needs good tilapia feed. A good tilapia feed is usually a fish pellet with a protein composition of 20% - 30%, 70% fat and 70% carbohydrate and leaves.

How to maintain tilapia is easy, which is important you diligently feed every day. According to the way of raising fish, the tilapia can be harvested after 6 months. At that time, the tilapia was a decent-sized consumption with a weight between 400gram - 600 grams. If you want to search for a breeder, then choose from your pool a healthy tilapia fish and females then separate into the breeding pond. If you do the way of cultivation of tilapia well then it is not impossible you can develop your business become the main livelihood.