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How to Cultivation Bean sprouts (Touge)

The Benefits of Toge Plant

Due to the need to increase income or also due to hobby factors, people are now getting interested to grow crops and also cultivate certain crops such as toge. Indeed the reason people cultivate toge different from each other.

But need to really understand the main reason is because the plant is a lot of benefits, especially the nutritional content such as vitamin E, enzymes, and so forth. In addition, the idea to cultivate the toge sprouts can also be a benefit for housewives because it does not need to buy the material in the market because it can easily harvest it yourself.

Toge Cultivation Media

If the way of cultivation sprouts, you should know first is the media that you use. In general, people will not have difficulty in choosing the medium of planting and budidayatanaman sprouts techniques. The main reason is because the plant can adjust to existing land conditions that are either too hot or cold. But in order to maximize growth, you can choose to grow in greenhouses or on bottles by using cotton or even trays. Here will be discussed about cultivation in this way. Then what to prepare?

Materials and Tools Required

The main benefit in cultivating sprouts with tray media is that it relates to the aspect of flexibility. Because the way of planting on outdoor media can be risky at high failure rate especially related to weather factor. The first one that needs to be prepared in how to plant indoor toge is 1 medium-sized tray. But can be adapted to the needs of planting sprouts of course. The second is some cotton that will be used as the base of the tray as a place to grow the sprouts. Do not forget to prepare some green beans and enough water as needed.

Selection of Superior Seeds

It can not be denied that the most important thing in fattening sprouts is about how you find the preferred green bean seeds. Those who are inexperienced will certainly have difficulty in choosing green bean seeds. To note carefully is about the color of the seeds. Be sure to choose one that has both a shiny and a cloudy color. Both have equally good qualities. But make sure the green color on the seeds are evenly distributed and there is no brownish color. Do not also choose which seeds are rotten.

The Cultivation Process

Next you need to know is on how to plant and cultivate. Before you do the cultivation process, first need to wash the seeds toge you have. After washing, you need to soak the seeds for at least 24 hours. Replace the foamy water with a new one during the immersion process. Then you need to prepare the tray and put the cotton thoroughly on the tray.

Flush with water when the cotton is wet. Put the seeds with a distance that is not too close so that the growth process so maximum. After that you need to place the tray under the sun. Make sure cotton is always wet during the cultivation and maintenance process.

Harvest Sprouts Toge

Another thing to really pay attention to in the cultivation of sprouts is the process of harvesting. All you need to know about the harvesting process is about the length of time it takes for you to harvest your sprout sprouts. In general the time required to harvest the toge is 3 days. But it can differ from one person to another about the need for the harvest. It all depends on the quality of cultivation and how you nourish the plant. In general, people will consume their own grape crops that they get compared to selling it to the market.