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How To Cultivate Green Beans With Satisfactory Results

Eating warm green beans on a rainy day is certainly one of the most delicious things to do. However, have we ever asked how the green beans that are the main ingredients of this green bean porridge are planted? Actually the technique of green bean cultivation can be done by anyone, including you. Here, some information on how to cultivate green beans.

Selection of Planting Media

Land is the most important thing in cultivating green beans as well as things that make the way of green bean cultivation becomes easier. The best soil for green bean cultivation is a soil that contains many organic substances needed by plants. In addition, the soil should also have a pH level of 5.8 to 7.0, with the best pH level being 6.7. Good soil is also well drained so the water can flow smoothly. Green beans will quickly be damaged if exposed to a lot of water. Therefore, the right time to plant green beans is during the dry season.

Seed Processing

To get good results, we also have to choose the kind of green bean seed is good too. There are many varieties of green beans that we can choose, such as Peacock, Swallow, Nuri, Wren and others. Before planting, we must see the state of the soil that became the medium of planting. If the soil has not been planted with green beans, then the seeds of green beans we need inoculation first, with the seeds of rhizobium bacteria.


As mentioned above, how to plant good green beans is green beans grown during the dry season. In addition, green beans are planted with a distance of 40 x 20 cm for branched plants and 30 x 10 cm for unbranched green beans. Each hole is planted with 2 to 3 green beans and fertilized. For this type of fertilizer, organic fertilizer is the best. However, we can also use Urea and PPC fertilizers that can support and make the growth of green beans to be better. Close the hole with the ground without compacting.


In addition to Urea and PPC fertilizers at the first time of planting, fertilization is also done with NASA POC fertilizer every 2 weeks after the green beans are 2 weeks old. When green beans begin flowering, fertilization should be replaced from spraying with watering. This needs to be done so that the process of pollination of green beans is not disturbed.


The process of irrigation should be done during the growth of seeds and when the plants have started to grow and produce sprouts. The process of watering is needed, especially if in 1 week it never rains. The process of watering should be noted that the water does not inundate the soil where the green beans grow. This can inhibit growth and damage the plants.


Weeding is the process and technique of planting other green beans that are important to do. Weeding is done so that the green bean plants are free from weeds that interfere. Weeding should be done when the soil is dry, because, if this process is done when the soil is wet, it is feared will damage the soil structure. The proper time for weeding process is 2 to 3 times before the green bean plants bloom.

Pest and Disease Control

There are several ways of planting that are important to do so that pests and diseases do not attack your green beans. You need to plant green beans alternating with other plants, planting green beans simultaneously for 10 days and closing the planting hole with straw. The most important thing is to make good sanitation and weeding periodically.

Solving Pest and Disease Problems

There are some pests that can attack your green beans, such as bean fly and leaf spot. For peanut fly pests, you can use Azordin 15 WSC and Agrothion 50 EC. For leaf spot disease, you can solve this problem by using Benlate T 20 WP.

Harvest Ready Mark

Harvesting your green beans is done after you find the following signs. The leaves of your green beans are colored yellow and fall, but not because of the disease. The portion of the pod is dark or blackened and looks like cracked and bare.

Harvesting Time
The best time to harvest green beans is 75 to 100 days from the time of first planting. However, for the results of green beans or green beans in pods well, we should wait for 100 to 110 days old seeds. By waiting for this time, the seeds in the pod will grow well and evenly.

Harvesting Process
For the harvesting process there are some tips that you can use. You can only use your hands to pick pods so that the pods containing green beans remain intact and undamaged. In addition, after you harvest the green beans pod, dry it until it is completely dry. Once dry, you can put it in a sack and beat it to make the skin of the pods destroyed and the remaining green beans. And, you just need to sort it to get the green beans you want.