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How to Cultivate Sweet Orange

Citrus fruit has a variety of different types, for example just like the type of local orange, orange sunkist, orange, sweet orange, and others. Different types of citrus fruits, it will be different too. Currently in Indonesia already available various types of oranges, both local types and types of imports, which we can buy around us. So far, perhaps the imported orange is better than the local orange because in addition to its more attractive appearance, most imported oranges also have a more delicious flavor. However, it does not mean that local oranges can not compete with imported oranges.

Have you ever tried to taste the kind of sweet orange fruit? Sweet orange or commonly called orange Pacitan and also orange baby is one type of citrus fruits that became a favorite for many people throughout Indonesia because it is very sweet and fresh. Then there is another type of local citrus fruit that is also very sweet and is mentioned to be a rival for the sweet orange, its name is tangerine.

Sweet Cultivation Business

For all of you who love the activities of farming, cultivating citrus crops is a viable business opportunity for you to account. Cultivation of sweet oranges and tangerines is the most appropriate choice, considering the two types of citrus is very popular and has a decent price. But if we may suggest, it feels the cultivation of sweet oranges more interesting than the cultivation of tangerines. Actually both are both interesting and have good prospects, but there are some considerations that make us prefer the sweet orange.

The first consideration is the sweet orange tree is easier to adapt to the surrounding environment. Then the growth of the sweet orange tree is also faster. Furthermore, during harvest time, the production produced by sweet orange trees is higher when compared with tangerine trees. Those are some reasons that may also interest you all to consider. Then for all of you who intend to find information about the way of cultivation of sweet oranges, the following tips or information about the technique of sweet orange cultivation.

Selection of Land for Sweet Orange Cultivation

For the location of the land, sweet orange trees can grow well if planted on land in the lowlands up to the plateau at an altitude of approximately 700 meters above sea level. The required land is open, because the sweet orange trees can produce optimally with plenty of sunlight. As for the criteria of the ideal type of soil that is type of deep soil layer with sandy loam clay texture.

Sweet Orange Seedling

Seeds or seeds of sweet oranges are seeds that are obtained from seedlings whose production is based on certification standards of seed and proper supervision. Sweet orange seedlings can be found in various places that special provide a variety of plant seeds. As a tip for you in choosing a good seed, you should choose a sweet orange seed that has a disease-free label. The characteristics of a good seed that has a straight stem diameter of about 1 cm, with a height of approximately 90 cm from the base polybag plastic bags.

Sweet Orange Planting

After the soil is processed by cleaning the wild plants as well as fertilizing the parts that will be planted with orange trees, then the process of planting can begin. Technique of planting sweet orange that is by arranging pattern of line whose direction is from east to west. How to plant this will affect the rays obtained by citrus trees to be more optimal. How to plant an orange tree by making a planting hole and enter the tree or orange seeds into it, then covered with soil mixed with dung and dolomite sufficiently.

Treatment and Harvesting of Sweet Orange

After that, the treatment process we have to do with the maximum so that the citrus trees we plant can grow fertile. Treatments that need to be done are irrigating regularly, then regulating the number of branches (with a main stem pattern with three main branches each having 3 more branches), and also the addition of nutrients to the soil.

Furthermore citrus fruits ready to be harvested at the age of about eight months since the flowering period. Harvesting is done by cutting the fruit stalk. Well that's some information on how to cultivate a sweet orange.