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Tips On How To Succeed On Peppers Cultivation

Peppers is a vegetable similar to chilli, but the peppers do not have a spicy taste like chili. So far peppers is still considered as one of the consumption vegetables for the middle class and above. This is because the use of peppers is still quite limited to some European-style cuisine, such as pizza, spaghetti, salad, and others. However, with the rapidly growing popularity of European-style food in Indonesian society today makes the demand for paprika increasing.

Business Opportunities Commodity Peppers

Although paprika is still not popular enough to be used as one of the cooking ingredients typical of Indonesia, but the opportunity to develop business in the sector of Peppers commodity in Indonesia is currently wide open. In addition to having a good selling point, the market demand for vegetables also continues to rise, especially in demand from luxury restaurants and hotels. This can be utilized by developing the cultivation of pepper crops to supply the market demand for peppers that are increasingly good this day.

Ideal Farm for Peppers Cultivation

The most ideal land for cultivating paprika plants is in highland areas that have low humidity levels. Cold temperatures between 15 degrees to 25 degrees Celsius are known to be ideal for developing this subtropical plant. This is actually intended to avoid pests and disease attacks on peppers trees, because the intensity of pest and disease attacks will increase if the pepper plant is grown in lowland with high temperatures. Location at an altitude of about 750 masl is believed to be a very fitting place.

Land preparation

After finding the land in the right location, then it's time we start working on the land to be ready to plant. If it is feared there will be rain, the planting of paprika is highly recommended by using green house and hydroponics system for maximum yield. This cultivation technique is known to be very efficient because tree trunks and peppers are very sensitive to nature, so when exposed to rain water they will easily rot.

Creating a green house is required a greater cost when compared with processing land directly, but if the harvest can be maximized then the profits will increase as well. Making a green house that you can try with minimal funds that use ultra violet plastic material. Furthermore, the media used to plant the charcoal husk.

How to Plant Peppers on Coconut Husk

How to plant these plants is divided into several stages. The first is to grow seeds in the tray to become sprouts. Usually the seeds will grow into sprouts without leaves within a week, then we place them into small polybags to grow leaves, at least two or three strands. This process will usually take up to two weeks.

Next we can just move the pepper plant into the actual container, which is large polybag-size polybag approximately 30 cm x 35 cm. What is important to note about how to plant this is we must be very careful when moving the peppers  seeds so that the leaves and roots are not damaged. Next, we must also maintain the pepper plant well.

Maintenance Process
In order to thrive, paprika plants need to be watered and fertilized regularly. Fertilizer used is liquid fertilizer or dilute fertilizer. Furthermore, after flowering plants, we need to select by eliminating some flowers that grow to leave one of the best flowers in every single paprika tree. After the fruit is quite old peppers then we can harvest. That's a glimpse of how peppers cultivation.