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Easy way of cuttings high quality durian

Sieving durian is one way of multiplying durian which is native to tropical plants. Durian is one of the favorite fruits consumed by most of the Indonesian population.

Various kinds of durian

Durian montong
Durian petruk
Red Durian
Durian sidodol
Durian bokor
Durian sun
Durian tembag
Yellow durian
Durian bawor gigih
And other durian

Durian seeds are sold in agribusiness centers. The hobbyists tabulampot and many farmers who plant this durian crop. Durian propagation can be done by:

Generative (seed)

This time will be discussed how the durian propagation by cuttings. Sieving the durian is very easy to do.

The way to cuttings the durian
-Select the rod to be cut
-Cut the stem cut
-Cut the cutters to the roots
-Move cropping
Of course how to suck the durian plants need special tricks in order to grow durian tree solid and dense fruit.

Select the rod to be cut

The stem is diginakan for durian cuttings taken from young twigs. The right time to do this cuttings is when the maximum sap production is between 06.00-08.00.

Cut the stem cut

Selected young branches, cut into pieces between the leaves, from the very tip of the branch to the sixth leaf from the tip. Each segment has one leaf stalk. Cutting using a knife or sharp razor to prevent injuring much of the stem. Cut some leaves and leave only 2/3 leaves.

5-10 cm cutting pieces were immersed in auxin root root solution for 2 minutes. The dipped part is the bottom or base of the stem. The root stimulator can be extracted from the root extract of the seedling seedlings from the seed. But if you want to buy a hormone auksin at the farm shop.

Plant cuttings to grow roots

To plant cuttings that have been drendam auksin required ingredients:

Plastic cups. Can use plastic cups commonly used for ice or juice.
Sterile planting media. Can be fine fern, mos or poor sand. In order to steril hot water sprinkled media.
How to plant it, put the planting medium into plastic cup as much as 1/3 part. Plug the cutted stem in the media. Planting media can be watered with hormone aksin for previous immersion. Cover the plastic cups and place them in a bright spot. But not exposed to the sun directly. Maintenance is done by watering as necessary.

Move cropping

After approximately 3 months, the seedlings will grow a thick roots. Rooted cuttings can be removed on a 15 cm diameter polybag with compost and soil media. Maintain until the leaves appear and ready to move planting to the ground.

Easy and simple way of securing durian.