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Red Fruit Cultivation Technology

Red fruit is one of the plant species of Pandanus family. Plants include endemic plants and are found only in the areas of Papua and New Guinea. Spreading areas are quite extensive covering the valley areas Baliem Wamena, and in the mountains Arfak West Papua. Besides being used as a source of food by the community, it is also used as a potential nutrient source to improve the health of the body. Nutritional content of red fruit such as beta carotene serves to prevent the occurrence of goiter, blindness and as a cure for cancer, besides red fruit also contains minerals Fe, Ca and Zn.

Red fruit contains 12.000 ppm carotenoids, tocopherol 11.000 ppm, Betakaroten 700 ppm, Alfa tokoferol 500 ppm, 58% oleic acid, 8.8% linoleic acid, linolenic acid 7.8% and Dekanoat 2.0%.

Based on the growing habitat, red fruit plants can grow from lowland to 2,300 m asl, with low soil fertility, acid-rather acid soil and shade percentage 0-15%. This plant has a long form of tunjang rooting and the number of many that serves to absorb oxygen from the air and nutrients from the soil so that this plant would prefer a moist soil.

  • Characteristics of Morphology of Red Fruit

Big tree; grow in groups; density of 12 - 30 individuals; high 2 - 3.50 m. Trunk: Diameter 20 - 40 cm; brown color with white patches; round shape, vascular bundle is not apparent; hard; direction grows vertically or upright; number of branches 2-4; thorny surface. Root: High root tilt 0.20 - 3.50 m; root circumference 6 - 20 cm; brown color with white patches; round shape; thorny surface; number of roots in one clump 11- 97.

Leaf: Size 96 x 9.3 cm - 323 x 15 cm; the tip of the leaf berekuk (mucronate); base of merompong; thorny edge, the underside of thornbone; single leaf composition with alternate stacking, leaf bending; dark green color; parallel leaf repeating pattern; without a sessile; not flavorful. Fruit. Length 68 - 110 cm; diameter 31.5 - 40.5; the shape of the cylindrical fruit, the collecting end, the hanging base, the pale red fruit color, the color of ripe red fruit stems. Flower: not found.


Red Fruit Nursery

  • Plants are propagated vegetatively by using cuttings of roots / stems or stem cuttings
  • The size of the tillers from cuttings used between 20-40 cm
  • Sizes of seedlings from stem cuttings are used between 80 - 100 cm
  • Procedures of multiplication by root cuttings are suggested to be developed as a way of seeding in order to provide source seeds, with the advantage of obtaining large amounts of seedlings in which one seed has 5-10 buds. Besides, the cost incurred is cheaper and easier in transportation out of town.
  • How to multiplication of stem cuttings can be applied but must be in accordance with the natural conditions (soil, temperature, humidity, etc.), this propagation mode has a faster plant fruiting benefits that is 1 - 1.5 years, but the chances of big failure. Besides, to form 7 - 8 branch takes a long time.
  • The selected shoots cuttings must have one root, in order to spur the growth of the shoots
  • When the tillers are transported out of town, then the cuttings were put in a wet place, so the puppies are not dead because of lack of water.
  • For nurseries can be done in 3 ways; (a). Make a temporary nursery under the parent plant, (b). Breeded in plastic bags containing mixed soil and manure media (3: 1), the time required during the seedbed for 1 - 2 months. (c). Can be directly planted in the field but that needs to be noticed, red fruit plants are plants that need shade so that perla no shade until the plant is mature.

Red Fruit Planting
  • The land where the planting of red fruit is cleared of weeds, the soil in the hoe as deep as 15-20 cm. The land where the planting can be selected other former plant land such as Ubi / hipere, banana or close to the water source.
  • The soil is dried for ± 1 day.
  • No need to make drainage because the red fruit plants are happy with the soil that is loose and moist
  • For planting the planting hole in accordance with the size of the tillers are in use the size 10 cmx10 cm. Must not exceed the neck of the roots.
  • Planting is done in the rainy season with a spacing of 5mx5m.
  • The average farmer only cleans grass, weeds around the trees or clumps, without doing pruning and fertilizing.
  • From the results of observations and interviews with the community to date, not the discovery of pests and diseases that attack the red fruit plants.
Harvest Fruit Red
  • Harvesting age for seeds derived from cuttings may be harvested for about 3 - 5 years. Within 1 year can be harvested two times, namely: June - August (Harvest 1) and Month November - January (Harvest 2). Fruit duration 3 - 4 months.
  • Criterion of harvest by: (a). Changes in the color of the fruit (b). Outflow of buds instead of harvested fruits (Wamena language is called Eluap) (c). Changes in the color of the midget wrap the fruit into dry chocolate (d). Regardless of the fruit seed on the fruit tip (Wamena language is called Kono Wangge)
  • How to harvest that is by using a wood that has a V-shaped tip whose function is to pull the fall of the fruit. Done carefully so that the fruit is not split or damaged.
Post Harvest Processing Sari / Red Fruit Oil
  • Choose perfectly ripe fruits
  • Fruit split, remove the pith, then cut the fruit pieces and cut in the wash
  • Fruit steamed or boiled for 1 - 1.5 hours. Once cooked and tender the meat is lifted and cooled
  • Add a little water then squeezed and squeezed into a paste
  • The pasta is filtered with a strainer to separate the seeds from the paste
  • The pasta is filtered with a strainer to separate the seeds from the paste
  • Cook the paste for 4 - 5 hours, after the boiling is still allowed to paste over the fire for 10 minutes until the oil appears blackened over the surface
  • Remove and let stand for 1 day, formed oil is taken slowly using a spoon
  • Transfer the oil to the transparent container and then let it stand for 2 hours until the oil is separated from water and paste
  • Slowly oil separated and accommodated to other transparent containers. Let stand for 2 hours. The processing is stopped when there is no more water under the oil layer. If there is still water, repeat as before
  • The water content of the oil in step 7 can also be removed by heating. Way, heat the oil at a temperature of 95 - 100 0 C for 2 - 3 minutes until no more water bubbles. Lift and cooled before packing. (Source: BPTP Papua)