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How To Cultivation Silk worms In The Tarp Pond

there are actually many types of cultivation that have economic value. One type of cultivation that has a high economic value is the cultivation of silk worms. It seems that this type of cultivation is strange. Even many who consider that this one worm is not very profitable. But actually this worm is very useful, especially as a feed of certain types of fish. It is therefore not surprising that there are many people searching for silk worms.

Cultivation the silk worm, of course the prospective cultivators must also know the way silk worm cattle properly. Actually how to keep silk worm is not difficult. All it takes is enough space to place the silk worms and organic materials commonly used by silk worms. Organic material commonly used to cultivate hair worms is a mixture of chicken manure, bran and mud. Finding these organic materials is also very easy. So keeping a silk worm is not really that difficult.

Preparing Seeds

Just like any other cultivation, before starting silk worm cultivation, the cultivators should also prepare the seeds first. It's not hard to find silk worm seeds. Silk worm seedlings can be found easily in an ornamental fish shop or can also be taken from nature such as picking it up from a river or gutter. However, before cultivation, silk worms should be used as seeds to be quarantined first. It aims to avoid the silk worms that carry pathogenic bacteria. After that the way of cultivation can be continued.

Preparing Cultivation Media

The tubifex worm growth medium is not really too consuming. In fact you can cultivate this worm in a small pond covered with a tarpaulin. For the exact size, a pool of 1 x 2 meters is sufficient. In order for the water circulation to run properly, be sure to equip the pond with water intake or discharge channels. After that, the pool should be mapped to a smaller size, about the size of 20 x 20 cm with a height of 10 cm. Each plot is given a hole 1 cm in diameter.

Stages of Silkworm Cultivation

In order for the cultivation of silk worms to run well, there are several stages and cultivation techniques that must be known. The first stage, after the tapeworm seeds and the pool media is available, there is one more thing to be prepared. Ponds where silk worm grows should be filled with a little mud. Before placing the seeds on the pond, dry the pond first. Also clean the pond from the grass or other animals that have the potential to become pests. Animals that have the potential to become pests include the golden snail and gravestone.

The water pipe must also be assured of its strength. Ideally, the selected pipe is a 2 inch diameter paralon pipe. The length of this pipe can be adjusted to the needs, but ideally with the size of the pool 8 x 1.5 m with a depth of 30 cm, the length of the pipe should be about 15 cm. When finished in the drying and dried, make sure the bottom of the pond is completely free of rocks and other hard objects. As for the construction of the pond itself, the pool should include flat and not wavy.

In cultivating the silk worm, the breeding technique applied is highly focused on pond preparation. Once the pond is ready, the silk worm breeder still has to give organic material to the pond. Mud is one of the important factors in cultivating silk worms. However, the mud that should be taken from the pond that does have a high organic content. After that, the mud should still be flattened and then chicken poop is put into the pond.

The amount of chicken dung that is inserted is approximately 3 sacks of fish feed packing size. After that flatten the chicken droppings and flood the pond with maximum water until it reaches a depth of 5 cm. To prevent the growth of moss in the pond, attach the roof to the top of the pond.

The pool that has been inundated still has to be silenced for one week. It aims to make the gas produced by chicken manure is lost. Only then can the seeds of the silk worm begin to be spread. When spreading the seeds, make sure to spread them evenly.

Harvest Silk worm

To reach the time of harvest, silk worm cultivation does not actually take a long time. If the way the breeding is applied is correct, then the silk worm can already be harvested after 8 to 10 days from the spreading of the seedlings. After that, the harvest can already be sold in places where the fish feed is sold or in the fish shop.

But there is one tips that should be known by silk worm breeders. When cultivating the silk worm, the flow of water flow should also be maintained. This is very important to note because the quality of silk worm harvest depends on the condition of the pond. In addition, ponds containing many organic substances will also make the pond ecosystem more fertile.