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How To Cultivate Vaname Shrimp For The Best Results

Vaname shrimp are shrimp coming from sub tropical area. However, because of this shrimp durability is quite great, these shrimp can also be developed in the tropics like Indonesia with proper cultivation techniques. There are some tips that you can use to cultivate this shrimp.

Pond Preparation

The first process of drying ponds for 7-10 days until the ground looks chapped to break the pathogen life cycle and break down the toxic gas H2S. After that, the process of soil reversal so that phytoplankton can grow as natural food of vaname shrimp. It is also necessary to measure soil pH. If the pH is less than 6.5, it is necessary to calcify the process.

Fertilization and Water Filling

Fertilization is done after drying and liming process. The fertilizer used is Urea fertilizer 150 kg / ha and manure 2000 kg / ha. After that, water filling with a depth of 1 m or less in the magnification plot. Let the water for 2-3 weeks until ready for the next process is the spread of seeds of vaname shrimp.

Seed Selection

The seeds used in this mode of vaname shrimp farming are PL10-PL12 type seeds that are certified SPF (Specific Pathogen Free). The seeds should look good without flaws, have a uniform size, swim against the current, gills are already developing, and the intestines are clearly visible.

Seed distribution

Before stocked, vaname shrimp seeds need to go through the process of acclimation, because, this is very influential on this shrimp resistance during the process of seeding and maintenance. The way, watering the bag where the seeds with water ponds and floats diambungkan grown for 15-20 minutes. After that, it is opened and tilted slowly for the shrimp seeds to come out. Unlike other shrimp breeding methods, vaname shrimp seeds should be stocked during the day.


The usual feed is recommended on the guidelines of shrimp livestock in Indonesia is a pellet that contains 30% protein. The amount of feed given is affected by shrimp life or using ABW guidelines. Feeding done as much as 4-5 times a day. In addition to age, the amount of feed is affected by the condition of pond land, water quality and shrimp health level.


The first maintenance step is salinity level control. Good water salinity is 10-25 ppt. Besides water and soil pH checks periodically. If less than 7.5, it is necessary to do additional calcification process. Before the 60-day-old shrimp, it is also necessary to check the water level and fill the water with the salinity mentioned above if the water is lacking due to the evaporation process.

Pest Control

The pests that attack the shrimp farms are usually the animals that live around the pond, such as birds, crabs, wild fish and winches. For crabs and winches that usually lie the embankment around the pond, we can install a plastic fence to facilitate these animals in. Liars can be eradicated with saponins. And birds, we need to replace the pond as often as possible.

Disease Control

Appropriate disease control is performed simultaneously with the nursery and maintenance process. If we do the maintenance process properly, then the disease will not attack our shrimp. In addition, we also need to do a physical examination of shrimp and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) test in collaboration.


The harvesting process is done after the vaname shrimp is 120 days old and reaches the weight of 50 heads / kg. When the shrimp has reached the weight before 120 days, then the harvesting can be done. Harvesting is done at night to maintain the quality of shrimp. 2-4 days before harvesting, ponds are dolomite lime 80 kg / ha and maintain water level to prevent molting process. If we do the technique of raising shrimp vaname correctly, then the results we get will be very satisfying.