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how to transplant good and quality

In grafting plants, we must first know the type of plant that will be in the graft. Plants that can be grafted in general are plant berkambium and dicoty seed (seed split in two). The function and advantages of grafting is to obtain the yield or fruit of a small tree and the quality of the result is the same as that of a tree not in the graft.

The disadvantage of plant grafting is, the tree does not have a taproot that serves to sustain the tree after a large. Not a few people who do transplant failure, such as root grafts that do not grow to die.

Here are the correct plant grafting steps:

Materials and tools :

1. The rosa does not rust
2. The loose black land
3. Plastic or coconut husk
4. Plastic straps
5.Air secukupya

How to make :

1.Select a grown and berkambium tree trunk (rambutan, jambu, mango, kedondong, etc.) that has a diameter of approximately 2 cm.
2.Cut the skin of the stem approximately 10 cm and then let stand 10-15 minutes or until the tree sap is dry.
3.After dry, mix the soil and water to taste and stirred until evenly so it looks wet (not too wet).
4.Then the ground tersbut attached to the stem that has been in the skin and wrapped in plastic or coconut husk.
5.Before binding to plastic or head coat, make sure the tree trunk that has been in the clay covered by the ground to avoid dryness on the stem. Then leave for 3-4 months and in flush 3x a week.
6. After 3-4 months or the roots of the grafts have grown, cut the bottom of the grafts with a saw to avoid excessive wobble on the graft that can make a failure.
7.Cut small branches and leaves because it is very influential and will result in wobble on the grafts so that some roots break.
8. Open the corkscrew carefully
9. Then plant first in polybags until the branches and leaves grow.
10.After new twigs and leaves grow, the grafts are ready to be planted directly on the ground.

Thus the steps in plant grafting, may be useful and good luck.