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How to Plant Sunflowers on Narrow Lands

How to plant sunflowers are much studied because the sunflowers include exotic flowers. Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is an annual plant of the popular kenikir-kenikiran (Asteraceae), both as an ornamental plant and oil-producing plant. This plant flower is very distinctive: large, usually bright yellow, with a large flower head (diameter can reach 30 cm). This flower is actually a compound interest, composed of hundreds to thousands of small flowers on one bump. Sunflower also has a typical behavior, the flowers are always facing / leaning toward the sun or heliotropisme

Sunflowers can be planted on the home page as an ornamental flower to beautify the home page. Sunflower can also be planted in a narrow field / inside the pot. How to plant sunflower on a narrow field in a pot is much more practical because there is no land or soil processing.

Another advantage of how to plant sunflowers on a narrow field in a pot is you can at will move the flower pot as you wish. But keep in mind should put the location of the flowerpot to stay exposed to sunlight, because the sunflower growth direction is always heading from where the sunlight about it. Later we will discuss how to plant sunflowers on a narrow land for maximum growth can still be.

Before we discuss how to plant sunflowers on a narrow land, we first discuss the general guidelines for how to plant sunflowers:

Prepare seeds / sunflower seeds

Some varieties include Texas Lemon, Mammoth, Autumn Beauty, Sunbeam, Teddy bear, Velvet Queen and Sungold Mix, Sunflower Evening Sun, etc. Sunflower seeds are widely sold in farm shops, there are also sold in online stores.

Sunflower seedlings

How to sow the seeds of sunflower seeds embedded in a tray seedbed with mixed soil media and compost fertilizer with a ratio of 1: 1. Siramilah with the nursery routine and place it in locations exposed to direct sunlight. The seeds will begin to germinate generally until the age of 10 days, prepare the media planted in the pot with a mixture of manure, sand, and soil with a ratio of 1: 2: 3.

Transplanting sunflower seedlings

Sunflower seedlings that have begun to grow buds measuring 15-20 cm in tanama moved in prepared pot media, then cover again with the ground as the base of the stem of the seedlings.


Spread with routine every morning and evening, regular watering is one of the key to success of how to plant sunflowers, because the sunflower does require a lot of water supply. Put flower pots in direct sunlight for about 6 to 7 hours per day to keep the sun's crops needed.

Harvest sunflower.

After 2-3 months of age, mtahari flowers have begun to appear flower buds, and the bud will start blooming 1-2 days after buds appear. To get the big sunflower, keep the sun on the main stem and 1-2 flowers that appear from the armpits of the leaves.

Harvest of sunflower can be done by cutting the flower stalk using a knife or scissors. The cut flowers should be old ones, which are marked by starting to change color to brownish or start drying out. Keep sunflowers that have been harvested in reverse order for the flowers to dry quickly. After the sunflower petals are dry, separate the sunflower seeds by flipping the petals or by slowly hitting, the sunflower seeds will fall by itself and can be made seeds to be replanted.

How to plant sunflower on a narrow land

Sunflower plants can grow optimally and produce sunflowers are large and beautiful if you get sunlight approximately 6-7 hours per day. If the land used to plant sunflowers is narrow and sunlight is blocked, it is necessary to do a special trick how to plant sunflowers on a narrow land to keep the sunflower growing optimally

- Choose the location to plant sunflowers that get a chance of full sunlight.
- Manipulation of the location of sunflower planting to stay bright, by reflecting sunlight with materials such as aluminum foil etc.
- Manipulation of sunlight by replacing the TL lamp rays
- Move the sunflower plant pots in the sun during flower growth during the day, and move again where you want to enjoy the beauty of the sunflower in the afternoon.