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How to Plant Roses in Pots

How to plant roses are usually done in pots as an ornamental plant. Roses are also commonly grown in bulk to be harvested as picked flowers. Rose Flower Plant is an ornamental flower plant of herbs with barbed stems. The red rose known by the name of the ros flower or "Queen of Flowers" is a symbol or symbol of religious life in human civilization. The rose comes from the plains of China, the Middle East and Eastern Europe. In its development red roses are widespread in cold (sub-tropical) and hot (tropical) climates.

The development of various types of hybrid roses originating from Holand (Netherlands). Roses are a lot of demand is Hybrid Tea and Medium type, has a variation in the color of flowers quite a lot, from white to red and by applying a way to plant a good rose of high productivity: 120-280 flower / m2 / year.

Hybrid Tea varieties that have been planted are: Coctail, Diplomat, Idole, Jacaranda, Laminuette, Osiana, Pareo, Samorai, Sonate de Meilland, Sonia, Sweet Sonia, Tineke, Vivaldi, White Success and Yonina. While the Medium type roses include Golden Times, Jaguar, Sissel, Laser, and Kiss. The advantages of hybrid rose varieties are durable and the colors are attractive.

Rose Hybrid Tea type with flowers 80-120 cm, Medium type 40-60 cm. Some of the introduced lowland rose varieties: Cemelot, Frad Winds, Mr. Lincoln, and Golden Lustee as a cut flower roses. While the varieties of Folk Song, Khatherina Zeimet, Woborn Abbey and Cimacan Salem for garden plants.

How to Plant Roses

  • Select the appropriate pot

How to plant roses can be done on pottery pots, poselen, clay, cast cement or plastic pots. Please note in the selection of pots must have a hole for air circulation.

  • Media Planting

The planting of roses can be done directly on the ground permanently in the garden or in pots. Red rose plants are suitable on sandy clay (20-30% clay content), fertile, friable, lots of organic material, aeration and good drainage. For growing media of roses in pots, pots are filled with a mixture of soil, sand and compost with a ratio of 1: 1: 1. Add also a broken brick at the bottom of the pot so that excess water can come out of the blubang at the bottom of the pot and to keep the drainage and moisture of the media.

  • Rose Flower Seeds

Rose seeds should use plants that are ready to plant or use the results of cuttings of roses. How to plant roses is by planting a rose plant on the planting medium, then add the planting media around the stem and then press or solidify the soil around the stems so strong not easily collapsed.

  • Watering

How to plant roses to grow quickly is fertilized by regular watering roses. Place the rose pots in an open space so that the rose plants can get maximum sunlight. To avoid root rot on rose plants, when watering is mixed with a solution of bensoic acid.

  • Fertilization

Fertilization is a basic requirement in how to grow roses. Fertilization of roses is recommended with the NPK fertilizer as much as 5 grams / plant.

  • Harvest the roses

If the purpose of how to plant roses is to flower pots or sow flowers. Harvest can be done in the morning or evening. Characteristics of flowers that are ready to be picked for cut flowers that the flowers have not bloom full and maximum size.