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Tips On How To Cultivation Of Eggplant In order To Over Harvest

Eggplant cultivation can be done annually up to a year or yearly. Eggplant (Solanum melongena) is included in the family of Solanaceae. Eggplant height ranges from 60-240 cm. The trunk is watery, hairy and some thorny. Plants are shrubs or shrubs, with shoots that grow from the leaf's armpits so the plants look erect or spread duck.

  • Eggplant Requirements

The growing land for suitable aubergine cultivation is sandy soil or lush sandy clay, not waterlogged, with pH 5-6, and unhealthy drainage. Eggplant cultivation can be done in the lowlands up to the plateau. The beginning of the dry season (March / April) or the beginning of the rainy season (October / November) is a good planting time for the cultivation of this eggplant.

Types of eggplants commonly cultivated include:

  • Eggplant Kopek, the fruit is round, with a blunt and purple green dull tip
  • Eggplant Craigi, the fruit is round with a pointed tip and a straight purple or crooked shape
  • Eggplant Bogor or Eggplant Coconut, the large round fruit is white or whitish green, it tastes crunchy and a bit bitter.
  • Eggplant Writes or eggplant lalab, fruit like eggplant Bogor rather small, green and white purplish
  • Pickled eggplant, very resistant to bacterial wilt disease, small round fruit and arranged in bunches, the color of dark purple fruit, suitable for preserved in the form of pickle / pickle

Eggplant Cultivation

  • Seed

The need for seeds for aquaculture in one hectare is about 150-500 g. Seeds will grow approximately 10 days after sowing. Good seeds are produced from fruits whose skin color is yellowing at least 75% in large eggplant species.

  • Seedlings 
Before sowing, the seeds are soaked in warm air (50 ° C) for 1 hour. The seeds are spread evenly on the seedbed with shaved media and manure / compost (1: 1), then covered with banana leaves for 2-3 days. Nursery beds are given shade / roof of transparent plastic then nursery closed with gauze to avoid pest attack. After the age of 7-8 days, the seedlings are transferred to banana leaves / plastic pots with the same media (sterile soil and manure). Watering is done every day. Seeds ready to be planted in the field after the age of 4-5 weeks or already has 4-5 leaves.

  • Soil Processing

The soil to be used for aquaculture is cultivated 2-3 times with a depth of 20-30 cm, then made bed with width 120-140 cm and length adjusted condition of land. Among the beds are made trenches with a depth of 20-30 cm. Mature compost manure is given 0.5-1 kg per hole before planting.

  • Planting

Planting distance in aquaculture using distance in line 50 cm-70 cm and the distance between lines 80-90 cm, and on each bed there are two rows of plants. Seeds that have been aged one and a half months or leaves have grown 4 strands can be moved to the field that has been prepared.

  • Fertilization and

Artificial fertilizer is given after the plant 1-2 weeks after planting. Urea fertilizer is given as much as 65 kg / ha. Mixed fertilizers can also be given in the form of ZA and ZK with a ratio of 1: 1 as much as 10 g / plant around the plant with a distance of 5 cm from the base of the stem. The next fertilization is given when the plant is 2.5-3 months old. The fertilizer needed for one hectare is ZA 150 kg and ZK 150 kg. In clay clay doses of NPK fertilizer (12:24:12) used 500 kg / ha. Maintenance that needs to be done in the cultivation of aubergine cultivation, among others weeding weeds, watering, plowing, giving and control of pest.

  • Control of Plant Disturbing Organisms (OPT)

Important pests that often attack on the cultivation of eggplant include kutudaun (Myzus persicae), kutukebul (Bemisia tabaci), leafminer (Liriomyza sp.), And oteng-oteng (Epitachna sp.). Common diseases attack is powdery mildew and rust. Control can be done using 40 yellow traps / ha. If using insecticides use a safe and selective such as a vegetable insecticide, biological or synthetic pyretroid insecticide. As for disease control selected fungicides are effective and recommended.

  • Harvest and Postharvest

The first harvest can be done after the plant is four months old. Good eggplant cultivation can produce 10-30 tons of eggplant fruit per hectare. Harvesting is done 1-2 times per week. Eggplant fruit that is feasible to consume is a solid fruit and shiny skin surface.

Eggplant fruit can not be stored long so it should be marketed immediately after planting. Grouping is done by size and color. Handling during packaging should be done carefully to prevent skin damage.