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How to Plant Flowering Fast Flowering Gladiolus

The genus Gladiolus includes 180 species that are herbaceous plants including the family ridaceae which is one of the distinctive flower types with varied colors. Gladiolus flowers come from Africa and the Mediterranean, but the most common in South Africa. In Europe began to be cultivated since 500 years ago.

Gladiolus flowers are arranged in the form of bunches and derived from the terminal axis. Flower (floret) amounted to 8 or more, diameter between 2-18 cm. There is a round shape, a triangle or like an orchid flower with petal plain, wrinkled, twisted, bend out or point to tip. Floret arranged in parallel or symmetrical called modern exhibition type.

Modern hybrids today are polyisbrids called Gladiolus grandiflora or large flowering gladiolus, having at least 11 species. Existing types include G. communis, G. segetum, G. byzantius, G. carneus (blandus), G. cardinalis, G. tristis, G. recuruus, G. insignis, G. oppositiflorus (floribunda), G. natalensis (psittacimus), G. gandavensis, G. scullyi (venustus), G. cruentus (saundersii), G. papilio (purpureauratus), G. dracocephalus, and G. aurantiacus.

The introduction of gladiolus flowers to Indonesia has been going on for decades, so some cultivars are called local cultivars such as CangkurUeung and Ceker. The types introduced and cultivated by florists include Queen Occer, Golden Boy, Priscilla, White friendship, Batik, Holland red, and others.

Generally gladiolus flowers are used as cut flowers for flower arrangements and can be combined with various other flowers, also used as garden plants. Gladiolus flowers can last 4 days at room temperature.

Terms of Growing Gladiolus Flower

Gladiolus flowers can grow well in areas at altitudes between 600-1400 masl, sandy clay soils with a pH ranging from 5.8 to 6.5, temperatures ranging from 10-25 ° C, well drained and full sun.

Environmental factors are particularly influential during the period of interest initiation that begins when the plant reveals three leaves and ends when the sixth or seventh leaf appears. In that period the light intensity at the beginning of the flower initiation causes the flower to dry out and the floret form is abnormal, whereas if the light deficiency at the end of initiation is only the flower bud that is drought. Water shortages during the initiation period may lead to the contractionary roots of the new subang.

Flowering Gladiolus Flower

Gladiolus flowers can be propagated vegetatively and generatively. Generative propagation through seeds is only intended for breeding purposes, because the gladiolus flower being cultivated today is a heterozygote plant, so the resulting offspring will vary greatly.

Vegetative propagation is done by using subang, subang child or tissue culture. Subang with more than one shoot eyed will be very advantageous if used as propagation material of plants, that is by way of division of subang. Cleavage of seedling sub-seeds weighing more than 20 grams has no effect on flower production.

Subar division can be done in two ways halved by division right in the middle of the subang, and into three parts, namely the middle, right side, and the left side for the subang which is more than 4 cm in diameter.

In subar division, the knife used must be clean and sharp. Each hemisphere includes a bud eye; and parts of the former parts need to be smeared with concentrated fungicides to avoid decay.

The use of subang child as a propagation material takes a long time until the time of producing flowers that is between 2 to 4 years, but with in vitro culture techniques, dormansi child subang (2.5-4 months) can be broken.

Planting gladiolus flowers

Subang is used as a flowering seed ready to have a diameter of at least 2.5 cm, buds have appeared or have formed roots. If seed health is doubtful, it should be soaked for 15-30 minutes with fungicide and insecticide at the recommended dosage.

Gladiolus flowers are grown in a bundle. Spacing 20 x 20 cm, every ha of land required seeds ± 150,000 subang. To avoid the collapse of plants due to rain or wind is recommended planting is done at a depth of planting 10 -15 cm

Treatment Plant

The fertilizer needs vary greatly depending on soil type, rainfall, irrigation and soil fertility. Generally fertilization consists of fertilizer N 100 kg / ha, P 150 kg / ha and K 200 kg / ha. Nitrogen (N) fertilizer is given three times: (a) after the second or third leaf is formed; (b) at the time of primordia of interest (± 60 days after planting); and (c) after flowering plants.

Weed control needs to be done according to fertility. The use of herbicides is very good. The use of herbicides after planting should be careful, because of the risk of crop damage, so selective herbicides are required.

Disease that becomes a problem in the exploitation of gladiolus flowers is the wus Fusarium oxysporum that is contagious land and subang. Immersion of seedlings in Benomyl 2 g / l solution for five minutes can suppress the disease. The use of resistant cultivars and healthy seedlings is an important factor for the successful cultivation of gladiolus plants.

White flea (Pseudococcus sp.) Is an important pest in the gladiolus substrate in the storage area. Soaking the seedlings in the insecticide solution according to recommended dosage with the addition of detergent will reduce the risk of pest attack.

Other pests and diseases that attack the gladiolus flowers include: Thrips (Taeniothrips simplex), stem slits (Pyrausa nubilalis), Botrytis (Botrytis gladilorum), and Dry rot (Stomantina gladioli).

Post-Harvest Flower Gladiolus

Gladiolus flowers are harvested after the plants are 50 - 80 days depending on cultivars and environmental factors. The flower harvest is done after the flower shows its color or a floret opens. While harvest subang done after yellowish leaves or ranged 60 days after the harvest of flowers.

Gladiolus flowers should be kept in an upright position so that the edges are not curved. Storage at low temperatures can be carried out at a temperature of 2 ° - 5 ° C for a maximum of 8 days.

Gladiolus flower endurance will be longer if done by soaking the flower stalk in silver nitrate solution 1000 ppm for one hour and followed by immersion in 20% sucrose solution for 24 hours at 20 ° C.

In order to assist the flower expansion and the age of the flower show, a solution of preservative that has been trafficked or 10% sucrose solution and hydroxyquinoline sulfate 300 ppm by immersion for 24-72 hours at 20 ° C, then move or soak the flower stalk in water. For the consumer should cut the base of the stem and place it in warm water. Picking some flower buds at the ends can make the flowers bloom in unison.