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How to Plant Hydroponics in the yard

How to grow a hydroponic plant is different from planting crops on the ground. Hydroponics is the cultivation of planting by using the air without using the soil with an emphasis on the fulfillment of nutritional needs for plants. The water requirement on hydroponics is less than the air requirement on cultivation with the soil. Herboponic plants that can be planted are hydroponic kangkung, hydroponic mustard, hydroponic tomatoes and others.

How to plant hydroponics can be done with three systems:

  • Hydroponics System "Drip Irrigation".
How to plant hydroponics plant drip irrigation system utilizes pebbles, rice husk charcoal, cocopeat, sand, and other materials that have been sterilized as a medium of planting. Water containing nutrients will drip little by little into the planting medium. 

Plants that can use the drip irrigation system is a fruit vegetable crop. The advantages of drip irrigation system is water emat, water is given evenly each plant and easy in watering. Disadvantages of oxygen in the root area a little when the media is too dense.

  • Hydroponics System "Wick system".
How to plant hydroponics can also be done with wick system, plant in plant disebuah media in the bottom of which is placed macro and micro nutrient solution, so that plant roots touch and absorb nutrient-filled solution. Water containing nutrients is pulled upward with axis like water capillary power principle. 

The wick system or axis system is the simplest hydroponic system. Media that can be used is rockwool or charcoal husk. The advantages of this hydroponics system is easy, cheap and favored by beginners at home. Noteworthy is to be easily absorbed and oxygen is circulated.

  • Hydroponics System "Nutrient film technique".

Another hydroponic system that can plant hydroponics is NFT (Nutrient film tehnique). In this system, plants in long and narrow ditok planted materials can be made of plastic or metal anti-rust. The ditch is flooded with nutrient-filled water, so around the roots of the crop comes a thin film (film) that is the plant's food. 

This system has high dissolved oxygen and nutrients are given continuously. Automatic plants absorb more and more nutrients easily. Noteworthy in NFT is slope, water storage and NFT treatment. NFT system is suitable for vegetable production.

Of the three hydroponics systems above, the wick system is the easiest way to begin at home. This system does not require complicated equipment because of the way the hydroponic plant is made by draining nutrients through the axis. This method is very simple and appropriate to do at home on a small scale.

How to Plant Hydroponics

  • Preparation of Hydroponics Media

Hydroponic planting medium that can be used for is charcoal, husk, sponge, rock wool to broken bricks. Planting media from poor pebble sandstone can also be used for this hydroponics plant.

The things that must be considered in the selection of hodroponic plant media is able to support the hydroponic plants well, have sufficient pore size, not clog the system, no effect to the nutrient solution, easy to obtain if possible can be produced by itself.

  • Preparation of Hydroponics Nutrition

Before planting hydroponic plants, prepare the necessary nutrients. To make nutrient solution, Urea needed 1000 gram, KCL also counted 1000 gram, 100 gram of NPK fertilizer and 50 g of leaf or gandasil fertilizer. All of these fertilizers will be dissolved as a source of plant nutrients. The availability of these nutrients will ensure the growth of hydroponic plants. Hydroponics nutrition is also available in agricultural and ready-to-use stores.

  • Hydroponics Wick System

Hydroponics is also an artistic creativity. Containers that can be used to grow hydroponics plant wick system can dikreasikan using mineral bottles used, plastic gutters, paralon, basin, bucket and so on. The principle of nutrition in the container can be absorbed by hydroponic plants axis.