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Oyster Mushroom Cultivation, Ear Mushroom and Shiitake

Cultivation of oyster mushrooms, ears and shiitake has several advantages that do not require extensive land. Agricultural waste from the cultivation of oyster mushrooms, ears and shiitake can be converted into fertilizer and soil bulking. Various cultivation techniques of oysters, ears and shiitake have been developed taking into account the raw materials available in each region.

Wood fungus is one of the edible (edible) edible mushrooms that are widely consumed by the wider community. This mushroom has a distinctive flavor and high nutritional content. Mushrooms can be consumed as vegetables and can also be processed into snacks, such as chips and crackers. Oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus sp.), Ear mushrooms (Auricularia auricularia) and Shiitake (Lentinus edodes) include the type of wood mushrooms that are widely consumed.

oyster mushroom cultivation

Mushroom fruit body consists of roots, stems (stipe), rings and hoods (pileus). The hood consists of blades or lamella on the underside of the spores. The harvested part is the mushroom fruit body.

Wood-filled mushrooms will be nutritious and nutritious medicine. Oyster mushroom contains 31% protein and protein contained oyster mushrooms include essential amino acids needed by humans. Enzymes in shiitake can produce amino acids that can reduce hypertension, reduce cholesterol, and improve blood circulation.

Shiitake spores are able to ease the effects of influenza virus attacks and inhibit cancer growth. In addition shiitake also contains vitamin BI, B12 and D12, while the mucus in ear fungus is believed to neutralize cholesterol in the blood.

Preparation of oyster mushroom cultivation, Ear and Shiitake

Before conducting oyster mushroom cultivation, ears and shitake need to be prepared homes mushrooms and parent seed media.

Making Mushroom House (Kumbung)

The size of kumbung is adjusted to the needs that is by considering the amount of log / substrate planted to be bred. To maintain about 500-1000 pieces of log / substrate planting, required building size (length x width x height) 6 m x 4 m x 4 m. Kumbung building can be made of wood or bamboo, with red brick / brick floor, tile roof. For the cultivation of oyster mushrooms and wall mushrooms can be made from the chamber and for the cultivation of shiitake mushrooms can be two sheets of plastic nets (gauze) small and dark.

Stages of Making Media Seeds (Spawn)

Prepare raw materials consisting of grains or a mixture of sawdust sawdust albasia (SKG) + millet seeds with a ratio of l: 1.
The ingredients are washed and boiled for 30 minutes using a pressure cooker or with a pan.
After draining the material is added with 1% chalk (CaC03), 1% gypsum (CaSO4), vitamin B complex and or bran 15%. The addition of water is carried out until it reaches a water content of 45-60%, with pH 7.
The ingredients are put into baglog polypropylene or bottle of milk or bottle hours of 50-60% container volume, then plug with cotton / kapok and cover with newsprint or aluminum foil
Subsequently sterilization was performed using an autoclave (at 121 ° C., 1 lb. pressure) for 2 h or pasteurized for 8 h at 95 ° C.
After the seed medium temperature drops to room temperature, inoculation is done with seed (derived from pure culture on PDA media) as much as 2-3 colonies of mycelium per seed bottle). This step is done in laminar.
Inoculated media, incubated in the incubation / incubator chamber at 22-28 ° C, for 15-21 days.
Bottles / baglogs containing seeds or spawn are shaken every 3 days for the growth of mycelium fungus seeds to be uniform and fast and not clot and harden After the mycelium fungus grows compactly and evenly over the media, it can be used as a parent seed and can be stored in a 4 ° C for 1 year if it will not be used soon.
Production Stages of Oyster Mushroom Cultivation, Ear and Shitake

Stages of Oyster Mushroom Cultivation and Ear

Albasia wood sawdust is soaked for 12 hours (depending on the species / strains used).
Furthermore sawdust drained to no water using a large wire / sieve filter.
The substrate / growth medium was prepared by adding 5-15% bran, 2% CaC03, 2% gypsum (CaSCj, 2%) and clean water and stirring until the water content of substrate reached 65% and pH 7.
The substrate is inserted in baglog polypropylene, compacted, and given a hole in the middle portion of a ring of paralon and covered with cotton or oil paper. Steps 1-3 are done on the same day.
One day later, the medium is sterilized or pasteurized by being stored in a steam room or in a drum with medium temperature in baglog 95 ° C for 8 hours.
After baglog temperature drops to room temperature, do the substrate inoculation with Inoculation done in laminar. Number of seeds used 10-15 g / kg.
Baglogs that have been inoculated with spawn are incubated in a mushroom / kumbung house. The incubation space is kept dry and clean, at 22-28 ° C without light. Incubation takes 15-30 days.
After 7-15 days baglog and ring opened.
After growing will the body of the fruit, done watering with clean water so that mushrooms can grow. For the cultivation of oyster mushrooms watered mushroom house, was for the cultivation of watering mushrooms directly done on the substrate until wet. The temperature of the mushroom house is maintained 16-22 ° C with humidity 80-90%.
Stages of Shiitake Mushroom Cultivation

85kg sawdust powder from hardwood (teak, rubber or mixed with albasia) soaked for 12 hours.
After that the wood powder drained until no water using a large wire / sieve filter.
Add bran / polar-chicken feed DOC 7,5 kg, chop / broken rice 4 kg, lime (CaC03) 1.5 kg, gypsum (CaSOs) 2 kg and clean water then stir uniformly until moisture content of substrate reaches 65% and pH 7.
The substrate is inserted in baglog polypropylene, compacted, and given a hole in the middle portion of a ring of paralon and covered with cotton or oil paper.
The medium is sterilized or pasteurized by being stored in a steam room or in a drum with medium temperature in baglog 95 ° C for 8 hours. Steps 1-5 done on the same day.
After the baglog temperature drops to room temperature, do the substrate inoculation with spawn. Inoculation is done in laminar. Number of seeds used 10-15 g / kg medium.
Baglogs that have been inoculated with spawn are incubated in a mushroom / kumbung house. The incubation space is kept dry and clean, at 22-27 ° C without light, RH 95-100%, C02> 10,000 ppm, 02 0-1 hours (installed capacity). Incubation generally lasts 8-12 weeks.
After 7-15 days baglog opened / cut the top, and the ring and cotton plug is opened. How to open baglog is different, that is with wide opened gradually following the occurrence of browning or opened at once after browning> 75%.
After growing will the body of the fruit, done watering with clean water so that mushrooms can grow. Watering by way of 3 times a day with enough water. The temperature of the mushroom house is maintained 21-27 ° C with 60-80% moisture, 500-2000 lux light (with lamp or window opened), ventilation 4-8 hours and C03 <1000 ppm.
Harvest and Postharves

In the cultivation of oyster mushrooms and ears, harvesting can be done more than 9 times within 3 months depending on the way of maintenance / watering the fungus and cleanliness kumbung. Harvesting is done 2-3 times a week.

Freshness of oyster mushrooms and ear mushrooms can be maintained by storing at 1-5 ° C and spraying using a 0.1-0.2% Na-bisulfate solution (1000-2000 ppm). Preservation of fungi can be done by drying, fumigation and administration of chemical compounds (kitchen salt, citric acid, sulfide, K-bicarbonate and K-meta-bisulfide).

Harvest of shiitake mushrooms can be done more than 5 times within 5-8 months depending on the way of maintenance / watering the fungus, hygiene kumbung and strain used. Postharvest handling of shiitake mushrooms is done in the same steps as in oyster mushrooms and ear fungus. Source: Balitsa.