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Red onion cultivation with high yield

Onion cultivation off season is onion cultivation conducted in the rainy season. In general, red onion is cultivated during the dry season. Red off season cultivation is done because high market demand has forced farmers to plant off-season.

Some things to note in the cultivation of red onion is

  • Selection of Varieties

Onion varieties suitable for onion cultivation are able to adapt in the rainy season, among others are:

  1. Binding, normal harvest age of 55 days, potential yield of 6.2 to 23.3 tons / ha with the advantage of holding up to 6 months.
  2. Pancasona, normal harvest age of 57 days, potential yield of 6.9-23.7 tons / hectare with a saving endurance of 3-4 months.
  3. Trident, normal harvest age of 55 days, yield potential 6.5-23.2 ton / ha with saveability advantage up to 5 months.
  4. Mentes, normal harvest age of 58 days, potential yield of 7.1-27.6 tons / ha and save up to 3-4 months.
  • Elections and Processing Land
  1. Red onion cultivation off season in the rainy season can be done in paddy fields or dry land, but cultivated in dry or moor land, in open and unprotected locations such as coconut and bamboo.
  2. Suitable soil types are Alluvial soil, Latosol chocolate, Andisol and other soil types that easily dispose of excess water. Avoid very tough (less porous) soil types such as Grumosol and Podsolik red yellow.
  3. If the soil pH <5.5 should be calcified with Dolomite of 1.5 tons / ha.
  4. Land processing is done manually by hoe or using tractor. Created with planting beds with 1-1.2 m wide beds and length adjusted to the state of the land Distance between beds 20-30 cm, with a trench depth of 20-30 cm. Land is placed on the bed so that the height of the bed about 20-30 cm.
  5. Performed the second processing to flat and neat beds.

  • Planting
  1. The onion seeds used are tubers that have been stored for about 2.5-4 months and the condition is fresh, stocky, not defective and free from pests / diseases attached to onion bulbs and tuber size uniform.
  2. Planting distance for onion cultivation off season 15 cm x 20 cm or 15 cm x 15 cm. The seed tubers are buried to the ground level.
  3. When the seed bulbs are uniform, the onion plants grow evenly after 7-10 days
  • Fertilization Basic fertilizer
  1. Cattle manure (15-20 tons / ha) or chicken manure (5-6 tons / ha) or compost (2.5-5 tons / ha)
  2. Artificial fertilizer TSP / SP-36 (120-200 kg / ha)
  3. Manure or compost and artificial fertilizer (TSP) is spread and stirred evenly with the soil one to three days before planting
  • Fertilizer follow-up
  1. Urea (150-200 kg / ha), ZA (300-500 kg / ha) and KCi (150-200 kg / ha)
  2. Secondary fertilization I was done at the age of 10-15 days after planting and the second follow-up at the age of 1 month after planting, each Vz dose 100 kg NPK (15-15-15) Pearl applied to 3 weeks.
  • Irrigation
  1. Watering on shallot off season cultivation is done every day in the morning and evening until the plants grow (1 week) and then watered every morning using gembor to wet the leaves of shallot plant.
  2. To accelerate aging of onion bulbs after plants> 55 days old can be watered during the day
  • Weeding fan fan and trenches
  1. Weeding of shallot plants by hand is done one to two times and generally done before the application of fertilization.
  2. After weeding done the improvement of beds by way of pemopeman / grazing beds at the time of the plant aged 30-40 days.
  • Pest Control
OMO control of off season onion cultivation is based on the concept of IPM (Integrated Pest Management).

  • Harvest
The physical characteristics of onion crops that are ready to be harvested are as follows:
  1. If held, the base of the leaf has weakened.
  2. The leaves (70-80%) are pale yellow.
  3. Tubers are fully formed and compact.
  4. Some of the bulbs are already visible on the ground.
  5. The tubers are dark red / purple as well as distinctive smell.
  6. Most (> 80%) of plant leaves have fallen
  • Processing of crops
  1. Drying is done by drying onion bulbs in direct sunlight for 7-14 days.
  2. Reversal is done every 2-3 days until the weight loss of tubers reach 25-40% with moisture content 80-84%.
  3. Red onion for consumption is packed using sacks of mesh with a capacity between 50-100 kg.
  4. Seed storage is done in the form of bonds and then hung on bamboo shelves.
  5. Good storage temperatures range from 30-33 ° C, with a relative humidity of 65-70% (Balitsa).