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10 Benefits of Kasturi Fruits for Health

Kasturi is a typical tropical plant from Kalimantan so most people call it as mango borneo. The kasturi plant, which has the Latin name Mangifera casturi, was initially enemic (exist only) in the forest around Banjarmasin in Borneo. However, due to the many cases of deforestation, this plant is beginning to be difficult to find in the forests of Borneo.

This makes this plant has entered into the IUCN red list (International Union for Conservation of Nature) as extinct in the Wild ". Extinction here means, this plant can not be found again in its natural habitat and can only be found in plantations and in conversion areas.

Although the fruit is small, kasturi has a fragrant aroma and good taste so much preferred by the community, especially the people of South Kalimantan. In addition to the delicious taste, it turns out the kasturi fruit has many benefits that some of them are:

1. Have good nutrition

The kasturi fruit has good and beneficial nutrients. These nutrients include:

Sucrose as much as 7, 93% - Sucrose gives a sweet taste to the kasturi fruit so it can be used as a sweet giver on foods such as cakes.
Fat is low because it only amounts to about 0.44%
Protein contained quite a lot of 1.20%
Vitamin A in high amount about 6069,29 IU
Vitamin C as much as 81.40%
High water content as much as 81,40%
A small amount of vitamin E and other minerals such as iron.

2. Rich in vitamins
The content of kasturi fruit is just like the benefits of mango, which in the kasturi fruit there are good vitamins for the body such as vitamins C, A, and E. In addition vitamin C and A is a source of potassium to help maintain blood pressure, auto contraction and maintain organ process can works fine. While vitamin E is useful for maintaining healthy skin.

3. Maintaining Skin Health
Kasturi is one good fruit consumed for healthy skin because it is rich in the benefits of antioxidants to protect the skin from free radicals due to polluted air. In addition, AHA (alpa hydroxyl acid) is widely found in the skin of kasturi fruit can help skin rejuvenation and accelerate exfoliation of skin cells that have died.

4. Cancer prevention.
Fruit kasturi is one type of mango and the same as other types of mangoes, kasturi fruit contains many important components that can prevent cancer. In addition to antioxidants, other important compounds that help prevent cancer function are gallic acid, astragalin, filsetin, kuertentin, and methylgallate.

5. Increased appetite
The sour taste in the kasturi fruit is produced from some of the acids contained in particular citric acid. The acid composition in the cast is about 0.31% to 0.71%. In addition to the sour taste, there is a sweetness that combines each other. This combination of flavors that stimulates the appetite is increasing.

6. Safe for Hypertension Patients
Mango borneo has many minerals such as the benefits of iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, copper, zinc, manganese, and selenium. Although many species, but these minerals are still in the number of fewer than the levels of existing vitamins.

However, one of the advantages of this mango borneo is the ratio between sodium and potassium is still in a much lower amount. It is therefore very safe to be consumed by people with high blood pressure.

7. Energy sources
Mango meat contains carbohydrate benefits in the form of cellulose, starch, and simple sugars such as glucose, fructose, fructose. Sugar contained in the fruit in addition to serving sweet taste, is also useful as a source of energy that can be directly utilized by our bodies.

8. Protect the digestive tract
The benefits of rich fruits with natural fiber make this fruit worthy to protect our digestive tract, including the benefits of this kasturi fruit.

9. Improving the immune system
Transition season that became sick season can be passed safely if routinely consume mango because of the content of nutritonal, carotenoids, and rich in vitamins.

10. Optimizing Eye Health
The benefits of kasturi fruit have a high carotene because the color of its orange flesh. Carotene and vitamin A have a positive impact on eye health.