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9 Benefits of Papaya Spice (Extraordinary Tested)

Who does not know papaya fruit? This fruit can easily be encountered in the environment around us. Taking care of papaya trees is not difficult because papaya trees can grow by themselves in this soil without having to be treated with special methods. The fruit of the papaya tree is often used by the community as a herbal solution of digestive problems. The leaves have long been used as herbs for the treatment of various diseases.

Papaya shoots are part of papaya leaves that are still shoots or young. This papaya shoot can be used as a natural herb to treat or prevent some diseases such as:

  • Increase appetite

The benefits of papaya shoots to increase appetite is actually very useful as a natural solution to children who have eating disorders. It's just that you may need a little brain racking to process the papaya leaves that taste bitter and may not be a child processed for children.

  • Overcome Malaria and Dengue

Papaya leaf shoots are known as anti malaria. Some pharmaceutical companies even use this leaf extract for the treatment of dengue diseases. There is a content in the papaya leaf can increase the production of thrombosi in the blood. For use at home papaya leaf shoots you can make as juice. It seems impossible to see from the taste of papaya but you can add honey as a sweetener.

  • Overcome Whitish and Menstrual Pain

Problem whitish or menstrual pain is a problem that is often followed by women today. There are so many drugs which are suitable for this problem will not all drugs suitable for consumption. The safest and most effective way is of course using herbal remedies. One of them is to use papaya leaf extract.

The trick is as follows:

  1. Wash some sheets of papaya leaves
  2. Prepare 1 liter of water
  3. Prepare the roots of reeds and pulasari
  4. Boil all ingredients with air to boiling
  5. Strain the cooking air before drinking

The second way:

  1. Prepare 1 sheet of papaya shoots
  2. Prepare tamarind and salt
  3. Prepare 1 glass of water
  4. Boil all ingredients until boiling
  5. Strain the cooking air before drinking

You can consume water extract papaya leaf shoots are sparing once a day to overcome the problem of whitish and pain in menstruation.

Launching the Digestive System
Papaya fruit plants are often associated with a natural remedy digestive problems. In addition to fruits, leaf buds can be used as a natural herb to overcome digestive problems. It was found that in papaya leaves contain carpin substances that have the ability to eliminate bad bacteria in the digestive system.

Prevent Cancer Cell Growth
In a study proved that papaya leaves can prevent the growth of cancer cells in the body. Apparently it is due to the acetogenin content found in the papaya leaf white sap.

Overcome Dandruff
Carpain compounds found in papaya leaves are effective enough to reduce dandruff, oil, and impurities attached to the hair. Many shampoo products also started to use papaya leaf extract for dandruff problem. You can mix your own anti-dandruff herb from this papaya leaf at home. The trick is enough to boil some papaya leaves. Well, this cooking water that you can use to wash your hair.

Softens the Skin
Do you have dry and rough skin? Do not worry, the benefits of papaya leaf buds this one is useful to overcome your dry and rough skin problems.

Anti Aging
Papaya leaves contain quite a lot of good amino substances to inhibit signs of aging. You can make this papaya leaf as a natural face mask. How to dry some papaya leaves to dry then puree. After the leaves are smooth add a little water and apply it to the entire surface of your facial skin.

Solve Face Skin Problems
As we realize that the face is very susceptible to various facial skin problems such as acne, black spots, and looks dull due to dirt. For these problems you can use a papaya leaf shoot mask in as a natural solution. In addition to cost-effective way is not too difficult. Carpain compounds on papaya leaves are very powerful against microorganisms that adversely affect the skin. The way to dry some papaya leaves and pound / blender until smooth while given a little water. Apply to all facial skin and let stand for 10-30 minutes. After the mask is felt dry rinse with water. Feel yourself the result for a cleaner facial skin.

  • Papaya Leaf Danger

Besides the benefits of papaya leaves apparently also have some risk that is harmful to the body when consumed excess, including:

  • The sap on papaya leaves can be irritant, dermatogenic, and vesicant on sensitive skin. For some people who are allergic may be able to injure and damage skin tissue.
  • Some compounds on papaya leaves can trigger gastritis (inflammation of the stomach wall), rhinitis, and asthma.
  • Can menimbulakn begah and stomach bloated when the papaya leaf is consumed excessively. This is due to the high vitamin C and gas content of the papaya leaf.
  • Papain enzyme in papaya leaf can convert protein to amino acid and its leaves are cold so it is very dangerous if consumed woman who is pregnant.