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Heart Disease Treatment

If you have heart disease, you are strongly encouraged to improve your lifestyle such as maintaining your diet and exercising, taking medication regularly, and quitting smoking. Heart disease can not be cured, but can be prevented from worsening.

More invasive handling like surgery would be advisable if heart disease worsens to disrupt the quality of life.

Improving Lifestyle
By improving the pattern of life, people can avoid the risk of symptoms of heart disease. Changing lifestyle can be done with simple steps, for example:

  • Implement a healthy diet.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Exercise regularly.
  • Reduce alcohol consumption.
  • Medical Treatment Steps
  • Improving lifestyle alone is sometimes not enough to deal with heart disease. Therefore, doctors also usually recommend the use of drugs or surgical procedures to overcome this disease.

This drug serves to lower cholesterol levels in the body so it can slow the progression of heart disease. Some types of statins that doctors often give are simvastatin, pravastatin and atorvastatin.

This medicine is taken to prevent blood clots by diluting blood. This can reduce the risk of heart attack. Commonly used antiplatelet types include low-dose aspirin, clopidogrel, ticagrelor, and prasugrel.

Anti-hypertension and diabetes medication
If you have high blood pressure and / or diabetes, it is very important that you control the development of these diseases. Make sure your anti-hypertensive medications and diabetes medications are appropriate and bring effective results. If not, see a doctor to find a more suitable treatment. Remember that a healthy lifestyle also plays an important role in the treatment of both diseases. Some examples of such drugs include:

Beta-blockers (Beta-blockers)
By taking this drug, the rate of heart rate will decrease and blood flow will become more smoothly. It will make the heart burden is reduced so that angina attacks can be avoided. The types of beta-blocking drugs include atenolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, and propranolol.

Calcium channel blockers (Calcium channel blockers)
Calcium channel blockers make the blood vessel wall dilate so that blood pressure can go down. The types of calcium channel inhibitors include amlodipine, verapamil, and dementiazem

Nitrate drugs
The way nitrate works is similar to how calcium channel blockers work. This drug serves to dilate the blood vessel diameter so as to facilitate blood flow to the heart and relieve angina attacks. Nitrate can lower blood pressure and relieve pain in the chest. The performance of this drug is short and some are slow. Nitrate is not only available in tablet form, but also available in spray, gel, or patch. Glyceryl trinitrate and isosorbide mononitrate are commonly used nitrate drugs.

For people with heart disease who can not take beta-blocking drugs (for example, because they have lung infections), these drugs are often given by doctors. Ivabradine reduces the burden of the heart by slowing down its pulse rate.

This drug can be used as a substitute for calcium channel inhibitors because of the same function. Nicorandil accelerates blood flow to the heart by widening the diameter of the blood vessels.

This drug works by making the heart muscle more relaxed, but does not affect the rate of heart rate or blood vessels. Therefore, ranolazine is best suited for people with heart failure or people with abnormal heart rhythms.

Angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors (ACE inhibitors)
These drugs can inhibit the activity of the hormone angontensin which makes blood vessels narrow. In addition to commonly used to treat high blood pressure, this drug can also reduce the performance of the heart and smooth the flow of blood throughout the body.

This drug can increase the excess water and salt from the body through the urine.

Handling Through Operation
If the drug is ineffective in order to overcome the symptoms of angina that you are experiencing, the doctor will advise the surgical procedure. In addition to angina, this surgery is also performed on patients who have had a heart attack.

Percutaneous Heart Intervention (PCI) or Coronary Angioplasty
This operation aims to widen the narrowed heart arteries. This procedure is done by inserting a small balloon on the outside of the artery to get rid of the fatty tissue that narrows the arteries. Thus, the blood flow can become smooth. After that the ring (stent) is installed in the artery so as not to narrow again.

Cardiac artery bypass surgery (CABG)
This surgical procedure involves the cultivation of blood vessels from other limbs to open up new routes for blood flow to the heart so that the blood supply is sufficient. Diabetics, elderly patients and those with more than two blood vessel constriction are recommended to undergo CABG rather than PCI.

Heart Transplant
This action will be done if the heart condition is very severe and the drug can not solve the problem. Heart transplantation is done by replacing the damaged heart with a healthy heart from the donor.