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Prevention of Heart Disease

Coronary heart disease can be prevented. Coronary heart disease can be prevented Here are some simple precautions you can take:

  • Quit smoking.
  • Apply a healthy lifestyle, such as exercising regularly (at least 2-3 hours a week) and maintaining a diet (such as eating more fruits, vegetables and eating less bersantan). In addition, keep your weight balanced and reduce alcohol consumption.
  • Controlling high blood pressure, for example by eating foods low in salt and antihypertensive drugs on a regular basis.
  • Controlling blood sugar levels, for example by limiting the consumption of sweet foods and monitoring the development of diabetes.
  • Maintain cholesterol levels, especially for people over the age of 40 years. This step can be done by avoiding fatty foods such as rendang, chicken opor, or fried foods.
Especially for people with angina, precautions also need to be done. Therefore, they are encouraged to take medicines given by doctors regularly and accordingly dose.

Anti-hypertension and diabetes medication

If you have high blood pressure and / or diabetes, it is very important that you control the development of these diseases. Make sure your anti-hypertensive medications and diabetes medications are appropriate and bring effective results. If not, see a doctor to find a more suitable treatment. Remember that a healthy lifestyle also plays an important role in the treatment of both diseases. Some examples of such drugs include:

Beta-blockers (Beta-blockers)

By taking this drug, the rate of heart rate will decrease and blood flow will become more smoothly. It will make the heart burden is reduced so that angina attacks can be avoided. The types of beta-blocking drugs include atenolol, bisoprolol, metoprolol, and propranolol.

Calcium channel blockers (Calcium channel blockers)

Calcium channel blockers make the blood vessel wall dilate so that blood pressure can go down. The types of calcium channel inhibitors include amlodipine, verapamil, and dementiazem

Nitrate drugs

The way nitrate works is similar to how calcium channel blockers work. This drug serves to dilate the blood vessel diameter so as to facilitate blood flow to the heart and relieve angina attacks. Nitrate can lower blood pressure and relieve pain in the chest. The performance of this drug is short and some are slow. Nitrate is not only available in tablet form, but also available in spray, gel, or patch. Glyceryl trinitrate and isosorbide mononitrate are commonly used nitrate drugs.