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Free Radicals Trigger Chronic Illness

Many of the products mentioned can help fight free radicals, ranging from food products to cosmetics. Free radicals are said to bring disease and cause premature aging. So what exactly is free radical?

Actually free radicals are part of the natural process in the body. Apart from being a natural result, free radicals can also be sourced from outside the body. Free radical levels offset by antioxidants will not be harmful, but will be harmful if free radicals exceed the levels that the body can handle to cause damage.

Free Radical Source
When the body uses oxygen, about 1-2 percent of the cells will become damaged and turn into free radicals. Free radicals are the designation for damaged cells that can cause certain negative conditions. It is called "free" because these cells lose important molecules that allow them to cause damage if they encounter other molecules. Not only damaging other cells, free radicals are also not infrequently damaging the DNA that became the seed of disease growth.

A damaged cell can quickly damage another cell. When DNA changes, the cells can mutate and develop abnormally quickly. Inflammatory processes and injury can also produce free radicals.

Apart from the process of the body, free radicals are also present in other ingredients from the vicinity. The main sources of free radicals come from:

  • Ozone.
  • X-ray radiation.
  • Air pollution and cigarette smoke.
  • Food and water contaminated with toxins and pesticides.
  • Liquor.
  • Some industrial products.

Therefore, it is important to limit the consumption of the above ingredients and protect themselves from exposure to X-rays.

Free Radical Impact
In order for the physiological function to run well, the need for a balance between free radical and antioxidant levels in the body, but if the free radical level exceeds the body's ability to manage it, there will be a condition called oxidative stress (oxidative stress). Free radicals can attack and cause damage to various body cells. Nucleic acid, lipids, and proteins are the elements that can be affected. Here are some of the effects of free radicals on the body:
  • Oxidative stress is a major factor causing inflammation, such as respiratory distress syndrome in adults, arthritis, ischemic disease (stroke and heart disease), high blood pressure, preeclampsia, Alzheimer's and many other diseases.
  • Exposure to excessive sunlight can cause oxidative damage to skin cells. While free radicals can attack internal organs, such as free radicals in cigarettes attack lung cells.
  • Cancer and atherosclerosis or constriction of blood vessels are the two major killers associated with free radical attack.
  • The study found that free radicals cause cell damage that is closely related to aging.
The key to preventing cell damage due to free radicals is to undergo a healthy diet with foods rich in antioxidants, such as various fruits and fresh vegetables.