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Facts Behind Ginseng Benefits

In traditional medicine, ginseng is a famous herbaceous plant. This plant is believed to have many properties and has been used to overcome many diseases. Ginseng is found in North and East Asia such as Korea. There are two types of ginseng commonly used, namely American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) and Korean or Asian ginseng (Panax ginseng).
Although various types of ginseng have different properties, but in general ginseng has an active compound that is thought to play an important role in the efficacy of this plant. The active compound is ginsenosides.

Facts About American Ginseng
American ginseng is often used to boost the immune system, cope with colds and flu, and relieve stress. There is also a use of this ginseng to increase appetite and improve the digestive system. Not only that, American ginseng is also well claimed to treat various diseases, such as diabetes, anemia, insomnia, fever, erectile dysfunction, cancer, joint pain, dizziness, memory loss, and HIV / AIDS.

But based on research, so far there are only two conditions that show a positive response to ginseng, respiratory infections (such as colds or flu) and diabetes.
  • Respiratory tract infections
Eating American ginseng extract at a dose of 200-400 mg for 3-6 months, is believed to prevent colds and colds in adults aged 18 to 65 years. For elderly people over 65 years old, it is advisable to also get a flu shot vaccine to reduce the risk of cold or flu. If you have a cold or a cold, according to research, eating ginseng will make the symptoms that you feel lighter and will recover faster.
  • Diabetes
Eating 3 grams of American ginseng at least two hours before a meal is thought to be effective in reducing blood sugar levels after meals in type 2 diabetics. The results also show that American ginseng is beneficial in lowering fasting blood sugar levels.
The researchers suspect it is due to the active substances ginsenosides contained in ginseng. Research also shows that the benefits of American ginseng can prevent diabetes complications such as damage to the eyes and heart.

For those of you who are interested in trying American ginseng, may try it by following the rules of use. Safe dose ranges from 100 to 3000 milligrams with a duration of 12 weeks of use. However, this supplement may still be used safely for up to 6 months. Children are not advised to consume ginseng, except under the supervision of a doctor.

Although natural, American ginseng can also cause certain side effects, such as itching, insomnia, diarrhea, headache, vaginal bleeding, nervousness, rapid heartbeat, increased or decreased blood pressure, breast pain, a severe rash called Stevens-Johnson syndrome, liver damage, and severe allergic reactions (anaphylactic shock).

Should avoid or be careful eating this ginseng if:
  • You are pregnant and breastfeeding
According to research, American ginseng can affect the womb and cause birth defects at birth. So far no known side effects in breastfeeding mothers. But just in case, better avoid eating them while breastfeeding.
  • Has a hormone-sensitive condition
American ginseng is known to have an active compound called ginsenosides. This compound can act as estrogen hormone. If you have a hormone-sensitive condition, especially estrogen, better avoid using it. Examples of hormone-sensitive conditions are uterine cancer, ovarian cancer, endometriosis, and breast cancer.
  • Patients with insomnia
Eating high doses of American ginseng is associated with insomnia. If you have trouble sleeping should avoid consuming
  • Diabetes
One of the benefits of American ginseng is likely to help lower blood sugar levels in diabetics. However, your blood sugar levels may drop dramatically until hypoglycemia occurs if you take blood sugar lowering medications along with American ginseng. Should be careful and always check your blood sugar levels if you eat this herbaceous plant.
  • Will undergo surgery
Stop taking American ginseng at least 7 days before surgery, because American ginseng may affect blood sugar levels. It can interfere with blood sugar control during and after surgery. Ginseng may also increase the risk of bleeding during surgery.
Facts About Korean Ginseng
Unlike American ginseng, Korean ginseng has more benefits. Even so, it is not comparable with the claims of properties that have been circulating in the community such as overcoming anxiety, depression, chronic fatigue syndrome, improve the immune system, asthma, anemia, and various types of cancer. Further research is needed to determine the benefits of Korean ginseng in addressing these conditions.

Here are some conditions that may be overcome by Korean ginseng.
  • Erectile dysfunction
For men who have this problem, you can try to take 900 mg or 1,400-2,700 mg of Korean ginseng three times a day for 12 weeks.
  • Premature ejaculation
A study says that the administration of Korean ginseng extract tablets with a dose of 350 mg for 8 weeks can improve male sexual function. Benefits of Korean ginseng is believed good to improve men's sexual health.
  • Menopause
Korean ginseng can improve the health and sexual satisfaction of women entering menopause. Research shows that postmenopausal women who consume Korean ginseng extract show better sexual satisfaction and less complain of depression or mood disorders. Korean ginseng can also increase levels of antioxidants in menopausal women.
  • Mental function
For those of you who have entered middle age, you may try to consume 200-400 mg of Korean ginseng a day, for 12 weeks. Based on research, this ginseng can improve mental function, such as improving thinking power and abstract thinking skills. Ginseng is also believed to improve memory in people aged 38 to 66 years, when combined with ginkgo biloba leaf extract.
  • Alzheimer's disease
Eating 4.5-9 grams of Korean ginseng extract daily for three months is likely to improve mental performance in people with Alzheimer's disease.
  • Lung disease
For those of you who have problems with the lungs, especially chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), you can try to consume 100 mg to 6 grams of Korean ginseng three times a day, for 3 months. Research shows the active substance in Korean ginseng can increase the antioxidant effects in the lungs that can improve symptoms of COPD.
  • Flu
Consuming Korean ginseng plus flu vaccination can reduce the risk of contracting colds or flu.
  • Multiple Sclerosis
Eating ginseng extract can inhibit the course of the disease as well as reduce the symptoms felt by multiple sclerosis sufferers.
 Although natural, eating herbaceous plants such as Korean ginseng still have to be careful. You should avoid using it if you are pregnant and breastfeeding. Korean ginseng should not be given to children. You should avoid taking ginseng if you have diabetes, bleeding disorders, autoimmune diseases, hormone-sensitive conditions, insomnia, schizophrenia, or have had an organ transplant.

If you look at the benefits of medical ginseng, the effectiveness of ginseng as a treatment of certain diseases still need further investigation. For those of you who want to try treatment with ginseng, follow the instructions to use it to avoid the things that are not desirable. Purchase products that have been registered in the health agency, and should consult with your doctor first before taking ginseng.