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Symptoms of Serious Disease Behind Cold Feet Continuous

If you experience cold feet continuously, it may be a sign of a serious illness. The condition of cold feet is not due to anxiety or nervousness, like going through an important event. Women have a tendency to experience cold feet, compared to men.

For some people, cold feet are a normal reaction of the body. Researchers assume, heredity has an effect. To fix this, just need to warm the foot with socks or blankets. However, there are some more serious diseases of the condition.

Different Types of Causes
Here are some of the diseases that are associated with cold-foot symptoms that generally occur continuously:

Raynaud's syndrome
By the time Raynaud's syndrome develops, blood flow in the hands and feet is suddenly reduced, resulting in the fingers and toes changing from white to blue when cold. The skin can also become numb. The body with autoimmune conditions can be the cause of Raynaud's syndrome, often unclear. Women are more susceptible to Raynaud's syndrome, as does a person whose job holds a device that vibrates continuously. For example, in construction workers.

Hypothyroidism occurs when the body lacks thyroid hormones. When this happens, the body's metabolism is impaired. As a result, blood flow and heart rate was interrupted to affect the body temperature and make the feet can be cooler.

In diabetes, blood sugar levels and urine are not normal, making the arteries and capillaries narrow. As a result, the blood supply becomes disturbed, which can trigger cold feet. High blood sugar levels in diabetics also cause damage to the nerves. When the nerves are disturbed, the leg is most often affected first.

Neuropathy conditions associated with nerve damage that resulted in impairment of function in motor and sensory. As a result, there are limbs that feel cold, especially the legs. Even sometimes though it does not feel cold, feet can numb or tingling.

Atherosclerosis is a narrowing of the arteries due to fat that inhibits blood flow. In addition to feeling cold, sometimes accompanied by calf pain when walking. Meanwhile, when sitting, the feet may be blue or purple. Then in a lying condition, then the soles of the feet can appear pale.

Peripheral arterial disease (PAD)
PAD is a condition of blockage of arterial blood vessels. It can also be a swelling of the blood vessels. These conditions make the blood flow inhibited, especially to the feet, causing cold feet even sick. The pain starts from the calf, as you walk. Over time the pain increases and creeps upward. After that the feet can become numb.

Various causes that can make the feet cold. Some are still considered normal, but there are also more serious conditions. If cold feet occur continuously, check with your doctor for proper treatment.