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Mining Facts nad Ways of Processing Mining Development

Mining Facts nad Ways of Processing Mining Development

Mining Facts

The following may be classified in various facts from the following mines:

a. General Stages of Investigation
· Birth of Pros and Cons that trigger the seeds of division in society
· Circulate the promise of 'heaven' as society will prosper, roads in perbakiki, electricity brightly lit, become crowded city etc, so lifestyle of society start to change.
· Circulating information that is confusing and confusing

b. Exploration Stage
· Conflicts between stakeholders began to open. In this position the Government usually begins to address the alignment to the company.
· Information that increasingly confusing increasingly mistrust society.
· Persuasion, intimidation, to terror and threats are increasing

c. Exploitation Stages
· The commencement of destruction of mountains, forests, rivers and seas.
· The commencement of Tailings waste disposal process that will poison the water and food sources.
· The commencement of the work of academics and paid consultants to prove that there is no pollution.
· Increased conflict between communities and communities with State officials.
· Mastery of natural resources, environmental pollution and impoverishment process.
· Increased human rights violations, corruption cases and bribery.
· Increased cases of immorality due to the opening of gambling facilitation and prostitution venues.
· Tailings and rock waste will be a problem from upstream to downstream.

d. Mine Close Stages
· The worsening of the local economy and the increasing number of unemployed.
· Limited time monitoring of environmental quality.
· The formation of acidic and toxic lakes that will continue to exist in the long term.
· No recovery of ecosystems destroyed by mining companies.

Ways of Processing Mining Development
The earth's resources in mining must be developed as much as possible for the achievement of development. An integrated survey and evaluation of alhis is necessary to generate substantial profits with minimal losses both economically and ecologically. Ecological use in mining development is necessary in order to improve the quality of mining results and to take into account earlier effects of mining development activities on the resources and natural processes of the wider environment.

Any secondary effects on ecosystems both locally and broadly need to be considered in the mining development planning process, and as far as the evaluation so that any damage caused by mining development can be avoided or reduced, because protecting the ecosystem is easier than fixing it. In the utilization of reusable mining resources planning, processing and use should be as cautious as possible. It should be kept in mind that future generations should still be able to enjoy the results of this mining development.