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Rampant Coronavirus Hoax

Hoax is an industry that is no less massive than a computer virus or malware. One example, this could be from the rampant spread of deception in the midst of the outbreak of corona virus as it is now. As proof, since the corona virus issue erupted at the end of October 2019 to this day, 587 rumors have been spread on the corona virus issue. While malware that rides the corona virus issue in the world can be counted on the fingers. Vaksincom itself has not found Indonesian malware that rides on this issue.

Rampant Coronavirus Hoax

Indeed, making tricks is not as difficult as creating malware. Making technical mistakes needed to make a hoax. In addition, the platform to spread hoax is also very broad and does not support operating systems such as malware. Provided that you can translate information in the form of text alone is enough to be translated deception.

Hoaxes are also very easy to take victims, where even experts in their fields are sometimes fooled by false information that has been designed in such a way because it utilizes sophisticated tricks and easily wins the trust of hoax recipients.

Following this, Vaksincom provided dozens of hoaxes in circulation in the second week of March 2020 and was cleverly designed to mix legitimate information with hoax information so that the recipient could easily believe it.

Saliva test for corona detection

The first hoax is information that Singaporeans do a saliva test to detect whether someone has contracted the corona virus or not.

The technique used is Imposter Content, where the attached news source link is from a trusted news portal equipped with news snippets from the news portal.

However, the hoaxes cleverly spice them up by slipping an extra paragraph:

From now on every passenger who lands at Changi Airport must be tested for saliva and if
it turns out that suspect COVID-19, it must be directly quarantined for at least 14 days at the local hospital at their own expense.

For the record, corona virus detection testing cannot be done with saliva testing. The screening conducted at the airport is the detection of body temperature which, if detected fever, will immediately be stopped and further checking whether the fever suffered is caused by the corona virus or not.

Official Direction related to COVID-19

Hoaxes that take a lot of casualties and are widely circulated are about the direction of officials regarding COVID-19.

Broadcasts that are widely circulated on WhatsApp are trusted by many people and not a few netizens who after receiving the hoax add hoax points so that the greater scope becomes as below.


Interaction restriction scenarios related to Covid deployment, implementing restrictive steps:

1. School activities will be limited (if not too alarming) or will be suspended
(if it is very worrying) and teaching and learning activities carried out online.
2. The provincial government will apply isolation rules for epicentral areas (the most patient distribution)
3. Prohibition - while - to travel to crowded places
4. Cancellation of permits that have been issued by the provincial government and prepare cancellation procedures.
6. Closing various public activities
8. Restricted opening and closing hours of restaurants

Short-term / direct direction:
1. For the time being, begin to reduce the tradition of greetings (shaking hands and chips)
2. All levels of SKPD to implement the 16th Ingub Year 2020
3. All public facilities in the environment are required to provide hand washing soap / disinfectant / hand sanitizer
4. Within the next 2 weeks, Car Free Day activities will be canceled every Sunday morning (Sunday).
5. the relevant agencies will tighten restrictions on public events
6. Request that all stakeholders (policy makers) cancel all events
which is at risk of the spread of Covid-19
7. All quarantines, or being treated for contracting, or suspected to be infected by Covid-19, the Regional Performance Allowance (TKD) will not be deducted, and adjustments will be made according to applicable regulations.

But once again, the ingenuity of hoax makers mixing legit information, half legit information, inserting false information, and editing it makes many victims who accept this hoax believe and participate to spread voluntarily.

Silly, some people are creative in adding points and additional areas that contain COVID-19 potential are getting longer. As we know, it does not negate Motor Vehicle Free Day in its official press release. This information is entered into the hoax to gain the trust of the recipient of the hoax.

As the issue of corona virus or COVID-19 mounts, it is certain that this hoax will grow and divide like a virus. Therefore, the authors expect the caution of netizens, especially social media users before spreading information.

Make sure the information you receive is correct, and if in doubt you should not share it. Always remember, filter before sharing!.