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How to Cultivate Watermelon Fruit for Abundant Results

Watermelon is one of the most popular fruits in Indonesia; with a sweet taste and high water content, watermelon can be an alternative choice of fruit that is healthy and also refreshing. There are several types of watermelon that are quite popular; red watermelon and yellow watermelon and non-seeded watermelon are the best known species.

While other watermelon such as watermelon inul and the box also began to be known by the public. As for tips on how watermelon cultivation can be practiced to maximize the harvest is as follows.

Choosing Watermelon Cultivation Area

Selection of watermelon cultivation land is one important factor in the success of watermelon cultivation. Watermelons need climatic conditions or warm weather to grow perfectly. Watermelon seeds require temperatures of about 25 to 30 degrees Celsius to germinate and grow; temperatures of about 20 to 25 degrees Celsius to grow, the temperature of fertilization and pollination is about 25 degrees Celsius and the temperature is about 30 degrees Celsius to get the ripe fruit perfectly. This is a factor in choosing the right land for watermelon cultivation.

Watermelon planting is also very important; for the type of sandy land is hardly necessary special processing; but for the type of soil that is not sandy it is necessary processing so that the soil becomes crumb or loose. Then on the land that has been prepared made the bed as a place to plant watermelon seeds; the use of organic fertilizer or manure can improve soil fertility which will help the watermelon grow well.

Distance between plants about 100 cm with a bed width of about 3 meters for a single planting system and 6 to 7 meters for double cropping system with beds approximately 50 cm high.

Preparing Seeds of Watermelon

One part way of watermelon cultivation is to prepare the seedlings of watermelon; seedlings prepared by planting or seeding seeds; seeds are added wetted and immersed in cover or newspaper for 1 to 2 days. After the seeding process then the seeds will germinate then transferred to the nursery media.

Seeds with a root candidate along 2mm can be sown in polybags with a depth of 1 to 1.5 cm. Put polybags or bags of nursery in the sun and watered 1 to 2 times a day until the seeds are 12 to 14 days before being transferred to the planting area.

Moving to Land

After seeds are sown for 12 to 14 days there will be 2 to 3 leaves growing; the transfer time should be done in the afternoon by inserting the seedlings along with the soil into the soil by removing the polybag used for sowing. As for how to plant watermelon with tree spacing with planting the ideal single system is 90 to 100 cm x 3 meters; whereas with a double system or two rows of plants with a distance of 90 to 100 cm x 6 or 7 meters.

Fertilizing Watermelon Plant

After the watermelon seedlings are transferred to the land the silver black plates can be applied; with a plastic application then fertilization can be done before or during planting process is done. The bed can be watered until it is wet enough and given organic fertilizer before the seedlings are transferred to the land. The bed is then flattened so that the plastic can stick perfectly. 

Silver black plastic as part of the intensive watermelon cultivation technique can be applied with black colored position facing down and applied when the sun is shining or around 09.00 to 14.00. One of the process of plant maintenance is with the use of manure; choose the condition of manure that really - really ready. Manure that has not finished will make watermelon plants dwarf or wilted. 

Organic fertilizers can be used as an alternative to fertilization in addition to the use of ZA, Urea, TSP and KCl fertilizers. Types of soil are also considered fertilizers; sandy soil requires more fertilizer than the more clay type of soil.

Maintenance, Harvest and Benefits of Black Silver Plastic

The alternative way of intensive watermelon cultivation is by application of silver black plastic; fertilization can be done only once. In addition, with a dense application with soil beds and black color of plastic will prevent grass and weeds to grow around watermelon plants. Plastic with silver side facing to the sun also serves to maintain the temperature of the soil and keep the soil moisture so as to reduce the need for watering.

Watermelon plants need twisting of twigs; this is meant for twigs not too coincide. Position twigs that coincide can cause easy to fall out and facilitate the occurrence of disease. Drainage is needed for land without black silver plastic appplication. When the watermelon seedlings start to tum

Watermelon plants need twisting of twigs; this thing so as not to turn yellow. Position twigs that coincide can cause easy to fall out and facilitate the occurrence of disease. Drainage is needed for land without black silver plastic appplication. When the watermelon seedlings begin to grow as long as 50 cm then the litter can be installed; When the watermelon starts to appear it also needs to be given.

Fruit perempelan is done on the fruit growing at the base of the stem of the watermelon plant as part of intensive watermelon cultivation; reserve 1 or 3 dispose of watermelon located approximately 1 meter from the base of the stem. Watermelon large type of seizure leaves 2 pieces only in one stem; while for the type of small watermelon can be left as much as 3 to 4 pieces. Harvesting can be done after 65 to 75 days from planting seedlings.