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10 Types of Gurame Fish Disease And Its Control

There are various types of carp diseases to be a challenge for gurame farming farmers. This is because it can threaten the success of cultivation that can impact on the nihilnya obtained results. Here we review some types of carp diseases and how to control it.

The first disease caused by a disturbance of living organisms or commonly referred to as parasitic disease. Second, diseases that are not caused by living bodies, are more caused by physical and chemical factors called non-parasitic diseases.

Many parasitic diseases are caused by microorganisms, bacteria, fungi, viruses, protozoa, nematodes and prawns. Meanwhile, non-parasitic diseases are caused by poor quality of feed or air pollution by certain chemicals

Parasitic Disease

1. White spots

The disease is caused by protozoa that have a vibrating hair, namely Ichthyophthirius multifillis. This parasite usually lies beneath the epidermal skin layer. The symptoms are the color of the body gurami became pale due to the presence of white spots throughout the body of the fish. Gurame is often seen rubbing badannnya to the bottom or the wall of the pool or seen gasping and often gathered in the water entry because of lack of oxygen.

The disease can be transmitted through the use of unclean equipment. Transmission can also occur due to low water temperatures (less than 22 C), lack of feeding, or contracting diseases from wild fish.

How to Control it
Control can be done by immersing the carp in a formalin solution of 25 ml / m3 water. In addition, control can also be done by raising the temperature of the pond water to reach 28 C.

2. Myxosporeasis
The disease of myxosporeasis is caused by the parasite of Henneguya sp. and Thellohanelus sp. which attack the gills. The oyster that is attacked by this disease is usually already one month old and above. Symptoms appear swelling in the gills and body gurame.

This disease arises due to poor water quality, low dissolved oxygen content, and too high carp density. This disease can be transmitted through water. Prevention can be done by precipitating the water before the pond is filled. Meanwhile, the handling is done by drying the pond because there is no powerful drug to cure this disease.

3. Gill worms and skin worms
Gill-worm disease and skin worms are caused by Dartylogyriasis parasites that attack gouramy seeds, especially in the body and gills. Symptoms of gouramy appear weak, decreased appetite, and often gathered on the surface of the water due to lack of oxygen.

The incidence of this disease is supported by poor water quality, lack of feed, overcrowding density, and low air temperature. This disease can be transmitted through the water medium. Overcoming it can be done by soaking the gouramy seeds in a solution of 300 g / m3 of salt water for 24 hours. In addition, the seeds can also be soaked in a 40 ml / m3 formalin waterin solution for 24 hours.

4. Fish lice
Fish louse disease caused by Argulus sp. which attacks by biting all parts of the carp body. In the vicinity of bite marks there will be bleeding, which if left will be more intense. The emergence of this disease is influenced by poor water quality. Transmission occurs through water and direct contact between a healthy carp and a sick gurame. This disease can be overcome by soaking the fish in a 1.25% salt solution for 15 minutes.

5. red spots
Red spotting disease is caused by bacteria Aeromonas punctata and Aeromonas hydrophylla. Gurami body that attacked this disease will be dark and his skin becomes rough (due to lack of mucus). In addition, gouramy often appears to the water surface due to lack of oxygen.

Overcoming this disease can be done by soaking gouramy in Oxytetracyclin solution 205 ppm. Immersion is done three times in a row, each for 24 hours. Treating scars can be done by applying diluted red medicine. One milliliter of red medicine dissolved into 10 ml of water, then applied to the part of the wounded gouramy.

However, now has been found a special vaccine known as Hydovet vaccine to prevent the attack of bacteria Aeromonas hydrophylla. How to inject Hydrovet vaccine 0.8 ml / kg body weight to the female parent. Maternal vaccination in the parent fish gurami turned out to increase the resistance of seeds against the attack of A. hydrophilla bacteria.

It is known from the formation of antibodies to the parent and gouramy seeds through antibody titers. Maternal vaccination can reduce the mortality rate of carp to 10%. This vaccination technique can be done easily. The vaccine used has also been available in the market with relatively cheap price when compared with the increase in production.

6. Columnaris
The columnaris disease is caused by the parasite of Flexybacter columnaris that attacks the fin and gills. This disease attacks gurami with various age. Clinical symptoms that appear are the fish become weak, decreased appetite, fins fall, and gills peeled.

The disease may begin through the water medium or direct contact between the healthy fish and the sick fish. Prevention can be done by implementing good sanitation, disinfecting equipment, and reducing the content of dissolved organic matter in the pond. The oyster that has been affected by this disease can be treated by soaking in Baytril solution 8-10 ppm for 24 hours.

7. Trichodina
Trichodina disease is caused by the parasite Trichodina sp. which attacks the skin and fish fins. The attack of this disease attacks the skin and fish fins. This attack of the disease causes injuries throughout the affected part. This disease can be solved by immersing the fish in a 500 to 1000 mg / l water salt solution for 24 hours or in a formalin solution of 25 mg / l of water for 24 hours.

8. TBC
TB disease has become a scourge for gouramy farmers. This disease can cause death up to 30-70%. In fact, if the environment is less supportive, such as dirty water and cold temperatures, the mortality rate may exceed that figure. Losses incurred not only in quantity, but the selling price was down because of the appearance of ugly fish. TB disease is caused by bacterial infection of Mycobacterium sp., Especially Mycobacterium fortuitum.

The parasite Mycobacterium fortuitum will attack the gurami, especially the stress. Stress on the gouramy can be caused by poor water quality. Decreased pool water quality can be caused by a pile of household waste at the bottom of the pond. This situation causes the dissolved organic material to increase and the pH of water decreases. At high acidity, dissolved oxygen becomes less and bacteria that develop become more patonegik so carp stress easily.

The extreme temperature difference between night and day (10-15 C) can also lead to weak fish and stress. Therefore, the attack of this disease will usually mengganas on the transition to the rainy season dry season or vice versa. If the water temperature is below 26 C, bacteria easily penetrate the fish defense system.

Symptoms of gurami tuberculosis disease among which decreased appetite. As a result, the circulatory system will be disrupted. In addition, the presence of bacterial or pathogenic attacks will stimulate the production of excess mucus. This mucus serves as a bulwark. The more intense the bacteria attack, the more mucus secreted. Due to excessive mucus production, gradually the skin of gouramy dries and peels off.

Other symptoms of gurami stricken with tuberculosis is the skin becomes darker and red spots appear to bleeding all over the body. Red patches are usually found first at the base of the tail or in the area around the anus. If the old bacteria is in the body gurami, will appear small bumps and the abdomen fish swell (dropsy). In fact, gouramy eyes will stand out like they're about to fall. This lump or swelling is due to the growth of granuloma or tubercle. If the lump is dissected will look granuloma small rash colored reddish. This granuloma is the result of metabolism of bacterium Mecobateriosis fortuitum. Granulomas can also spread to other organs, such as kidneys, liver, and lymph.

TB disease is zoonotic, ie in addition to infecting fish, can also attack humans. Employees who often handle sick fish can contract the disease if not immediately wash hands. If infected usually will arise spots or scabs on our skin. With high virulence ability, this infection can spread rapidly.

Tuberculosis in gouramy is a difficult disease to treat. If a gouramy strikes this deadly bacteria, the whole pool can be infected. Transmission can occur through water, body contact, or equipment used. However, in the event of an attack can be resolved by using Rifampicin antibiotics dose 10-20 mg / kg body weight or Etambutol-HCl dose 15-20 mg / kg body weight. This treatment takes about six months, even more.

Seeing the process of treatment that takes a long time and the drugs used are also many, automatic expenses incurred also increases. Therefore, the only effective way for gurami not to get TB disease is intensive prevention. Prevention can be done through proper pool treatment, keeping the water quality well, and providing the correct feed.

Pond treatment is done by cleaning the pond after the harvesting process. Mud and dirt settling in the bottom of the pond are thrown away. Layers of soil at the bottom of the pond are reversed, then sown lime farm as much as 100-150 g / m2. If the bottom soil pool is acidic, the added lime dose can reach 200 g / m2. Aside from being a disinfectant, lime is also useful for lowering the acidity of water. After being chalked, the pond is dried for one week.

Before put into the pool, gouramy seed should be acclimatized to avoid stress. The trick is to add pool water bit by bit into the bag of transportation. After that, the open carrier bag is floated above the water level of the pond and the fish is left out by itself.

In order not susceptible to disease (increase endurance), gurami should be given immunostimulant. For example, vitamin C doses 150-500 mg / kg body weight given for 7-10 days when the gouramy seed is the size of a match. In addition to vitamin C, gouramy seeds can also be given 10 mg / liter doses of lipopolysaccharide. To suppress the growth of bacteria, gouramy fish feed can be added with probiotics, such as Super NB or Aquasin dose 1ppm once a week.

Non-parasitic disease

Non-parasitic diseases are also called non-infectious diseases. The disease is caused by poor media quality or improper handling of the cultivation. Non-parasitic diseases are divided into three groups, namely nutritional diseases, gas saturation diseases, and oxygen deficiency diseases.

1. Lack of nutrients
This disease is caused by lack of amino acids and vitamins in the diet. In addition, it can also be caused by alfatokin poisoning. This disease attacks the gills and the outer body. Symptoms are gills wrinkles, fish body crooked, and slow growth.

The emergence of this disease is triggered by poor feed quality or fungus contaminated feed. Therefore, this disease can be treated by replacing the more qualified feed and giving it in the amount that suits the needs.

2. Lack of oxygen
The disease is caused by dissolved oxygen in low water. the affected part is the internal organs (lungs). This disease attacks gurami from all age groups. Clinical symptoms that arise is gouramy often open the lid gills and gathered on the surface of the water. The emergence of this disease is triggered by excessive plankton growth and very high levels of dissolved organic matter. Therefore, how to overcome it can be done by improving water quality, reducing organic materials, and reduce fish density.