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How to Cultivate Carrots

Carrots are one type of vegetables are very beneficial for health because it contains many nutrients, especially vitamin A. Although carrots are not native to Indonesia, but its presence in the country today has been very easy to find because it has many residents in various regions in Indonesia cultivate this very useful plant. Carrots are really healthy vegetables, but the price is very affordable and easy to get, so now he became one of the main ingredients of daily consumption of society.

Carrot Cultivation

When we consider now, the use of carrot vegetables in the community is very broad. We can almost find these types of vegetables in various types of daily cooking. Actually, the high consumption level of carrots can be utilized to run a profitable carrot cultivation business. In this paper we will provide some information on how to cultivate carrots.

Carrot Farming Selection

Carrots are actually plants that come from sub tropical areas, but this plant can also live well in the highlands of the tropics as in our country. So the most ideal location to cultivate a tree or carrot plant that is in the highlands between 1200 meters up to 1500 meters above sea level. But for those of you who live in a lower area, carrots are also known to grow well at an altitude of about 600 meters above sea level.

Land Processing

The land for carrot cultivation should be land that has a high fertility rate. First of all we must dig the soil loose. Next we make beds that can reach 2 meters wide, with a height of approximately 15 cm. Furthermore, between the beds we make the trenches about 25 cm wide. If the perceived soil fertility rate is still lacking, then we can provide manure to improve fertility.

Soils with high pH are also needed to grow carrots, which are tuber types, well, while it is well known that most highlands in Indonesia have relatively low soil pH. Therefore we need to whit the soil so that the acidity of the soil does not inhibit the growth of carrot plants. After the land preparation is complete, then we can start planting the seeds.

How to Plant Carrots

Carrot seeds can be obtained from centers of seeds that provide seeds seeded. Seeds or seeds need not be sown, but can be directly planted. Before planting, the seeds should be soaked with water for 12 hours or 24 hours. How to plant carrot seeds is easy, we live to spread the seeds along the bed we have made. For a more practical way of planting, we can use the aid of a penugal to plant the seeds.

Carrot Plant Maintenance

After the seeds are planted begin to grow, we must keep watch over and do the maintenance of our carrot tree or plant. Maintenance that needs to be done regularly is to ensure that plants get enough water to drain water along the trenches between beds, selecting bad carrot plants, and also fertilize the soil to maintain a high level of fertility.

Carrot plants can grow throughout the year, either in the rainy season or in the dry season. If the air is very dry, then we must take immediate action to make the air humidity around the plant stay awake, can by splashing water on carrot plants. So are some things we can say about carrot cultivation techniques. Hopefully the agricultural center in Indonesia has always been advanced.