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How To Cultivate Ginger In The Right Polybag For Growing Growing Growth

Ginger emprit is one type of ginger is smaller in size when compared with red ginger and elephant ginger. Currently the market demand for ginger is quite high because it is not only used for domestic needs but also to meet the needs of the world market. Ginger plants fall into the category of medicinal plants and findings or rhizomes where this plant is actually a kind of plants, turmeric, and other findings.

How to cultivate ginger emprit in polybag at this time is much in demand let alone the increasingly limited land that exists today makes cultivation of ginger becomes more difficult. That's why polybag is one of the right places to grow ginger cultivation and cultivate it. How to grow ginger emprit in polybag actually not difficult. How to plant ginger emprit almost the same as the ginger on the plant elsewhere. For more explanation on how to cultivate ginger emprit, here are the steps - steps.

Seed Selection

Tips for seed selection is the most important step before understanding the cultivation techniques of ginger emprit plants. Ginger seeds can be obtained from existing plantations or ginger emprit seedlings. When choosing seeds, choose good and qualified ginger seeds. Make sure that ginger plants have high varieties that can grow high and produce quality ginger or not defective.

Preparation of Planting Media

Planting media should be prepared for ginger polybag tree. The number of polybags should be adjusted to the number of ginger seeds to be planted. After the polybag is prepared, the next step is to prepare the planting media in the form of soil that has been mixed with manure. A good soil for growing ginger emprit is a loose soil and a little sandy so it makes it easier for ginger plants to grow faster and grow. Polybag used to plant ginger seeds should also be large that is 60 x 40 cm because ginger will grow big and require a lot of places for the growth of rimpangnya.


The technique of planting ginger seedlings should be planted as deep as 5 to 7 cm with seed buds facing upwards. Do not get upside down because it can inhibit the growth of ginger plants. Planting ginger seeds should be done during the rainy season so you do not have to bother to maintain the moisture of newly planted ginger seeds.


Ginger trees that have been planted in polybag require sufficient maintenance routine so that the ginger cherry emprit can be satisfactory. Here are the steps of care in the way of cultivating ginger emprit in polybags.


Ginger plants in the polybag should be watered regularly every day ie morning and evening. Make sure the soil in the polybag is not up to drought and always in a humid state so the ginger plant will not die.


In addition to watering, ginger plant in polybag also must be fertilized. The recommended fertilizer is manure beruba dirt sheep or cow dung. Give fertilizer every polybag after the plant begins to grow. Then after the plant enters the fourth month, ginger plants can be fertilized to be more fertile.

Weed weeds

In polybags, there will usually be weeds that grow in polybags. This will disrupt the growth of ginger and rhizome. Therefore weeding should be done intensively. Weeds usually grow a lot when the ginger plants begin to be 6 months old. However, weeding should begin when the ginger plants aged 4 months in order not to damage the roots that will damage the seeds - ginger seeds.


Embroidered ginger plants that do not grow can be done when seeds ginger 1 month after planting with seed reserves that have been planted

Plant pest control
Pest control can be done as needed. Usually the main disease in ginger emprit is rhizome rot caused by Ralstonia solanacearum bacteria. Currently there is still no adequate way of control. Prevention is the treatment of healthy seeds, the use of healthy seeds, planting, irrigation, and weeding weeds. Plants attacked by bacteria should be immediately revoked and burned to prevent bacterial attacks are not widespread.

So how to cultivate ginger emprit in polybags that you can do as an alternative to cultivate ginger in a limited place.