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How to Cultivate Starfruit on Home Page

Star fruit is a unique fruit that many of us meet in Indonesia. Star fruit is a kind of tropical fruit that looks like a star if cut. Star fruit is much in demand as a fresh fruit or fruit juice because the meat structure is soft rather chewy and contains lots of water. Starfruit tree is often cultivated in gardening and yard. This plant other than as a perindang page can also provide additional intake of vitamins for the family because starfruit contains many vitamins C, vitamins A, and B are needed by the body.

Sweet and very juicy star fruit that makes this fruit nice to eat just like that. There are many types of star fruit one of them is star fruit wuluh. This kind of star fruit is very acidic and can even make people shudder because it is incredibly sour. But for most people, this kind of star fruit is actually made a very tasty candied taste. Back to the sweet fruit starfruit is very tempting, you can develop this type of star fruit not only at large yard but also in pots.

Planting Carambola in Pots

Planting starfruit in pots is not so difficult to do because in general cultivation techniques in potted belimbing almost the same as the cultivation of other tabulampot. The important thing is you know how to plant the right and the care that must be done.

There are many advantages planting plants in pots such as sparing place. If you do not have a page, planting in pots can be your terrace and at the same time beautify it. In addition to planting fruit in the pot is also simple, concise, and can be moved anywhere, including into the house to beautify your living room. In addition, fruit plants in the pot also impress artistij and unique and productive. You can pick star fruit when you sit in your guest room and enjoy it with your family.

How to Start Planting Carambola in Pots

To start planting star fruit in pots, then all you need is planting medium. Prepare enough planting media like a large pot. Put the planting media in the form of soil mix and compost finished so with a ratio of 1: 1. Used soil should be dried for 3-5 days to get sunlight and bacteria and pests to die. Used soil can be taken from the yard but make sure the land is free of grass and garbage and do not take sand-mixed soil.

Prepare the pot that will be used for planting. Used pots should be made of clay, buckets, used tins, and various containers that can hold the ground and the bottom of the hole for the disposal of water. Choose a pot or container that matches the width of your terrace so it will look fitting and beautiful when you place it on the terrace.

Planting Star fruit in Pots

How to cultivation in star fruit is not difficult, if the planting media is ready then the seeds that have been prepared carefully planted and buried to the extent of the root neck. Before planting, reduce the leaves for evaporation to occur can be reduced. How to plant like this will increase the chances of plant life of star fruit. After planting then maintenance should be done.

How to cultivation of good fruit fertilization is also done to accelerate the growth of plants. In the not so long time and by planting the right then star fruit in your pot will soon be fruitful and you can enjoy the fresh and sweet fruit.