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How to Cultivate Cucumber For Optimal Harvest Results

We are certainly very familiar with cucumbers. These vegetables are widely used in various types of cuisine including eaten raw as fresh vegetables and some types of mentimum is also widely used for beverages. With the content of vitamins A, B, and C and many other nutrients to make cucumbers one source of healthy food.

With the fact that cucumbers can be used for different types of cuisine and drinks, of course there is a high demand above this commodity in the market. Unfortunately cucumber cultivation in Indonesia is still relatively low and has not been able to meet all local needs many areas in Indonesia have a climate and conditions of land that supports cucumber cultivation.

The fact of high demand for cucumber and low local supply creates business opportunities for those of you who want to cultivate cucumbers. With high demand, it will not be difficult to find marketing opportunities with a lucrative profit.

Knowledge of cucumber plants and the correct way of cucumber cultivation can increase your chances of success in cucumber cultivation. Here are the important things you need to know about mentimum and how to cultivate.

Climate and Soil Conditions for Cultivation of Cucumbers

Cucumbers include plants that can adapt well to a variety of climates. However, for optimal cultivation an ideal condition is required. Climate dry and not much exposure to rain is an ideal condition for the growth of cucumber plants. The altitude of 1,000-1,200 above sea level with an average temperature range of 21.1 - 26.7 ºC is a suitable place for cucumber fruit cultivation area.

The suitable soil conditions for cucumber plants are soil that is loose and easily absorbs water. High humus content and soil acidity level of pH 6-7 are recommended. Maximum planting land also requires a good water system.

Germination of Cucumber Seeds

The first step in cucumber cultivation techniques is the preparation and germination of seeds. Medium germination medium can use 7-8 cm sands of sands in an open tub. Planting grooves are made in sand with a depth of 1 cm. Give a distance of approximately 5 cm between the grooves for ideal growth of sprouts.

Before being dispersed in a sandbox, the cucumber seeds are prepared by soaking in a warm water solution mixed with nutrients for approximately 30 minutes. Once drained, cucumber seeds are spread in the groove and covered with sand. Cucumber cultivation media must be kept moist by spraying water. It generally takes 12 hours before the seeds germinate.

Seedling of Cucumber Sprouts

After the sprout cucumber germinates, the next step is the nursery. Sprouts of cucumber are transferred to polybags containing the planting medium. Polibags containing sprouts should be placed in a place protected from direct sunlight and rain. Spraying water twice daily. Spraying can also be done using water mixed with plant nutrients.

Duration of seedbed time is about 12 days until the sprouts grow 2-3 leaves. At that time the cucumber plant is ready to be moved to the planting area.

Cultivation Farm Preparation

Preparation of land for planting mentimum is one key to successful cultivation of cucumbers. Land preparation is needed to create ideal conditions for optimal crops to grow optimally.

Land preparation begins by clearing land from weeds and other plants. To create the ideal pH level can be used calcite or dolomite. Grounding or hijacking of land is needed to turn the soil and make the soil loose. Before ready for planting, the land should be dried for 5-30 days by making a ditch around the field.

Beding is needed in cucumber planting techniques. Beds made with size width 100 cm and height 30 cm. The recommended bed distance is 30 cm. On the surface of the bed, make a planting hole and add manure approximately 2 weeks before the time of the cultivation.

Cucumber Planting Technique

Minimum plants along with planting media are transferred from polybags into planting holes. There are several methods of planting a minimum between row system and long persebi with single, double, pyramid, or para-para propagation system. The planting and splinting systems used in planting can be selected according to your preferences.

Cucumber Plant Maintenance

Maintenance required in the cultivation of the maximum plant includes maintenance of the tamaman and the maintenance of the land. Maintenance of tuna is done by routine watering in the morning and afternoon. Leaf pruning is done after 3 weeks and if there are plants that die immediately replaced with new plants.

Land maintenance is done by weed and fertilizer cleaning. The fertilizers needed for cucumber plants are urea, ZA, and KCL. The use of organic fertilizers to replace man-made fertilizers can also be done.

One important thing in the treatment of cucumber trees is the control of plant pests, especially the beetle mentimum and the black totol beetle. Physical control is highly recommended before you use pesticides.

Harvesting Cucumbers

Under ideal plant conditions, cucumber fruit can be harvested for the first time within 75-85 days after planting. Tips to get the best cucumber quality is to pick the cucumber fruit before 9 am. The harvest should be kept in a cool place to prevent the loss of water content that causes the cucumber to become wrinkled.