Business Opportunities - Gurame Business Prospects
Business opportunities or prospects of a gouramy business that is so tempting that encourages more and more fish farming farmers. Many great restaurants make carp as their favorite menu.
Potential Gurame Developed
Indonesian people have long known carp fish. The taste of the meat is tasty and delicious very popular community. Gurame is one of 12 commodities for the fulfillment of community nutrition. In addition, the gurame also includes one of 15 types of fish commodities aimed at increasing farmers production and income. In various regions, even the gouramy became one of the leading agricultural commodities.
Gurame does have promising prospects for cultivation, both on a small and large scale. That's because the cultivation of the carp is supported by the following factors.
The selling price of gurame is higher than other freshwater fish, so the economy is relatively more profitable.
Market demand for carp is high and still not fulfilled, so market opportunity is still wide open.
Cultivation land is still widely available, gabame habibat can be a cement pond, pond, or reservoir. Gouramy farmers in West Java use more ponds and reservoirs. Saguling, Jatiluhur, and Cirata reservoirs, are very potential to maintain carp.
Data and information on cultivation techniques is sufficient.
Feed for hatcheries or gouramy enlargement is available at all times.
Many gouramy seeds are produced by the government through the Balai Benih Induk (BBI) and the farmers who specifically sell the seeds.
Freight transport of the carp is easy, but must be handled carefully.
High Gurame Fish Requests
One of the areas that need the highest carp is Jakarta. Currently, the market in Jakarta is estimated to absorb consumption gurame of 10-15 tons / day. In order to meet the demands of the carp market in the capital of our country, Jakarta, gouramy suppliers often hunt to Purwokerto, Parung, Indramayu, Tulungagung, Kediri, and Subang. However, the supply is not enough to meet all the needs.
Another area where the demand for guroye is quite high is Lampung. Local gouramy farmers have not been able to cover the needs of the community. Supply from West Java is still lacking. Another factor that inhibits the availability of carp in Lampung is the inter-island marketing pattern which is relatively more complicated and requires more expensive cost compared to the marketing pattern in one island.
Besides aiming to meet domestic market demand, carp also had a chance to become an export commodity. Countries that are still very open include Singapore, Japan, the United States, Brunei Darussalam, and Malaysia. Gurame for export must meet the quality standard specified by National Standardization Body.
Gurame Production Still Less
Currently, there are five largest carp producer regions in Indonesia, namely West Java (34.04%), Central Java (18.67%), West Sumatera (15.44%), East Java (14.98%), and West Nusa Tenggara (2.7%). One of the carp centers in West Java is the area of ​​Parung, Bogor. Every month, the carp farmers in the area are able to supply consumptive gurame for Jabodetabek and Banten area of ​​2-3 tons. However, lately production has declined due to the increasingly narrow land use of production so that the production becomes only 1 ton / month.
Gouramy production is currently not able to meet all the needs of the community. This is evidenced by the less supply of carp in the market. Unlike carp and catfish are much easier to find. The price of gurame was relatively higher.
There are several factors that cause it.
The number of breeders who work on the gurame is still small. The breeders prefer to cultivate carp and catfish, especially dumbo catfish.
Gouramy growth is not as fast as carp and catfish. Therefore, the harvest is longer.
Naturally, the growth of carp is slow. In addition to the smaller feeding pockets, these fish belong to herbivores that only eat vegetable protein. This is different from other types of fish consumption that eat animal protein or carnivores.
However, the assumption that the gurame can not be harvested should actually be straightened out. With certain techniques, the carp can be spurred by its growth. One of them with intensive feeding. In fact in the field, carp is indeed more traditionally maintained. Feed given is generally only potluck, such as cassava leaves and leaves sente. Although the leaves are highly preferred carp, the protein content is very small. In fact, the growth of carp is strongly influenced by protein intake.
In addition, the carp is maintained generally only used as a savings, which will be sold when needing money. There are still few people who maintain intensive gurame and make it as a staple business that provides great benefits. However, there are some science-literate farmers who do not want to wait for when savings are thrown or broken down. They are doing everything in their power to cultivate more intensive gouramy and soon make a big profit. When it's harvested, farmers do not bother looking for buyers, because they will come by themselves.
Another problem that is often encountered in the cultivation of the carp is the limited human resources. Consequently, the mortality rate of carp, especially at seeding times, is quite high. Farmers have much to learn about the nature and character of his pet carp.
Gurame Stable Price
Prices of carp from year to year remain stable, even showing a significant increase. The relatively high price of gouramy is mainly due to high market demand, while production is still low. The market gap is what makes the price of consumption gourami survive in the number Rp.20.000 - 25.000 per kilogram since 2000. Price gurami at farmers level in Parung, Bogor Rp.20.000 / kg. Meanwhile, prices in Central Java and East Java Rp.17.000 - 18.000 / kg. That price by various observers gurami estimated to survive until 2-3 years into the future.
The price of gouramy in the general market (not farmers) varies and fluctuates, but not so much as the difference. If in the area of ​​Parung - Bogor, the price of gouramy per kilo of Rp.20.000, in Ciamis ranges from Rp.22.000 - 23.000. However, if the price of sekilo gurami in Parung market reaches Rp.25.000, in Pasar Ciamis can reach Rp.27.000 - 28. 000.
In addition to the gurame sold in the form of ready consumption, who hatch the seeding business. Well they have the price of their own gouramy seeds.
Potential Gurame Developed
Indonesian people have long known carp fish. The taste of the meat is tasty and delicious very popular community. Gurame is one of 12 commodities for the fulfillment of community nutrition. In addition, the gurame also includes one of 15 types of fish commodities aimed at increasing farmers production and income. In various regions, even the gouramy became one of the leading agricultural commodities.
Gurame does have promising prospects for cultivation, both on a small and large scale. That's because the cultivation of the carp is supported by the following factors.
The selling price of gurame is higher than other freshwater fish, so the economy is relatively more profitable.
Market demand for carp is high and still not fulfilled, so market opportunity is still wide open.
Cultivation land is still widely available, gabame habibat can be a cement pond, pond, or reservoir. Gouramy farmers in West Java use more ponds and reservoirs. Saguling, Jatiluhur, and Cirata reservoirs, are very potential to maintain carp.
Data and information on cultivation techniques is sufficient.
Feed for hatcheries or gouramy enlargement is available at all times.
Many gouramy seeds are produced by the government through the Balai Benih Induk (BBI) and the farmers who specifically sell the seeds.
Freight transport of the carp is easy, but must be handled carefully.
High Gurame Fish Requests
One of the areas that need the highest carp is Jakarta. Currently, the market in Jakarta is estimated to absorb consumption gurame of 10-15 tons / day. In order to meet the demands of the carp market in the capital of our country, Jakarta, gouramy suppliers often hunt to Purwokerto, Parung, Indramayu, Tulungagung, Kediri, and Subang. However, the supply is not enough to meet all the needs.
Another area where the demand for guroye is quite high is Lampung. Local gouramy farmers have not been able to cover the needs of the community. Supply from West Java is still lacking. Another factor that inhibits the availability of carp in Lampung is the inter-island marketing pattern which is relatively more complicated and requires more expensive cost compared to the marketing pattern in one island.
Besides aiming to meet domestic market demand, carp also had a chance to become an export commodity. Countries that are still very open include Singapore, Japan, the United States, Brunei Darussalam, and Malaysia. Gurame for export must meet the quality standard specified by National Standardization Body.
Gurame Production Still Less
Currently, there are five largest carp producer regions in Indonesia, namely West Java (34.04%), Central Java (18.67%), West Sumatera (15.44%), East Java (14.98%), and West Nusa Tenggara (2.7%). One of the carp centers in West Java is the area of ​​Parung, Bogor. Every month, the carp farmers in the area are able to supply consumptive gurame for Jabodetabek and Banten area of ​​2-3 tons. However, lately production has declined due to the increasingly narrow land use of production so that the production becomes only 1 ton / month.
Gouramy production is currently not able to meet all the needs of the community. This is evidenced by the less supply of carp in the market. Unlike carp and catfish are much easier to find. The price of gurame was relatively higher.
There are several factors that cause it.
The number of breeders who work on the gurame is still small. The breeders prefer to cultivate carp and catfish, especially dumbo catfish.
Gouramy growth is not as fast as carp and catfish. Therefore, the harvest is longer.
Naturally, the growth of carp is slow. In addition to the smaller feeding pockets, these fish belong to herbivores that only eat vegetable protein. This is different from other types of fish consumption that eat animal protein or carnivores.
However, the assumption that the gurame can not be harvested should actually be straightened out. With certain techniques, the carp can be spurred by its growth. One of them with intensive feeding. In fact in the field, carp is indeed more traditionally maintained. Feed given is generally only potluck, such as cassava leaves and leaves sente. Although the leaves are highly preferred carp, the protein content is very small. In fact, the growth of carp is strongly influenced by protein intake.
In addition, the carp is maintained generally only used as a savings, which will be sold when needing money. There are still few people who maintain intensive gurame and make it as a staple business that provides great benefits. However, there are some science-literate farmers who do not want to wait for when savings are thrown or broken down. They are doing everything in their power to cultivate more intensive gouramy and soon make a big profit. When it's harvested, farmers do not bother looking for buyers, because they will come by themselves.
Another problem that is often encountered in the cultivation of the carp is the limited human resources. Consequently, the mortality rate of carp, especially at seeding times, is quite high. Farmers have much to learn about the nature and character of his pet carp.
Gurame Stable Price
Prices of carp from year to year remain stable, even showing a significant increase. The relatively high price of gouramy is mainly due to high market demand, while production is still low. The market gap is what makes the price of consumption gourami survive in the number Rp.20.000 - 25.000 per kilogram since 2000. Price gurami at farmers level in Parung, Bogor Rp.20.000 / kg. Meanwhile, prices in Central Java and East Java Rp.17.000 - 18.000 / kg. That price by various observers gurami estimated to survive until 2-3 years into the future.
The price of gouramy in the general market (not farmers) varies and fluctuates, but not so much as the difference. If in the area of ​​Parung - Bogor, the price of gouramy per kilo of Rp.20.000, in Ciamis ranges from Rp.22.000 - 23.000. However, if the price of sekilo gurami in Parung market reaches Rp.25.000, in Pasar Ciamis can reach Rp.27.000 - 28. 000.
In addition to the gurame sold in the form of ready consumption, who hatch the seeding business. Well they have the price of their own gouramy seeds.
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