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How to Cultivate Spinach


This one vegetable is indeed a tropical region. Its growth is normally very fast. In less than a month the spinach can be harvested. In the market we can find types of spinach and picked spinach type. Delicious processed into vegetables.

Terms grow

Spinach plants can grow anytime either in wkatu rainy season or dry season. This plant needs enough water because it is best planted at the beginning of the rainy season, which is about October to November. Can also be planted at the beginning of the dry season, around March-April.

Spinach stamped on loose soil and fertile enough. Especially for spinach pull, heavy texture of the soil will complicate the production and harvest. Neutral ground has a pH between 6-7 of the cheapest spinach for optimum growth.

Recommended type

There are three types of spinach varieties that are often planted by farmers.

A. Amaranthus tricolor

Classified spinach unplug. Mostly planted lowland farmers. The growth is fast and if you want to be harvested will quickly flower and produce seeds.

b. Amaranthus dubius

Includes the type of spinach. It grows upright and broad-leaved. There is a dark green leaf and some reddish leaf. Compared with A. tricolor plant phase before yielding longer flowers.

c. Amaranthus cruentus

Can be used as spinach or pickled spinach. Growth of the heart with large leaves are gray green. This spinach comes from South America.

Of the three types of spinach above recommended for ditanama on the lowlands is the type A. tricolor and type A. dubius. While A. cruentus is more suitable ditanama on plateau.

Today many varieties of spinach are sold in the market. This new type of spinach is mostly obtained from the results of research. There are also imports. After trying to prove several species well planted in the lowlands. The commercial types that are widely circulated in the market are as follows.

a. Green Giti
Type of spinach pull, Thailand origin, harvest age 28 days. High at harvest time is about 20-25 cm with little branching. Whitish stems and whitish green leaves.

b. Red Giti
Including spinach pull out, also from Thailand, 30 day harvest age. Branching and the height is similar to green git. The difference is, the spinach is reddish stems with dark red striped leaves.

In addition, the type of spinach bangkok and spinach cimangkok well grown in the lowlands as spinach pull. The kind that is well grown as spinach is a green snapper.


Spinach is propagated through the seeds. Only good old spinach seeds are made into seeds. If the seeds are young, the endurance of the shelf is only brief and the rapid growth rate falls. Seeds derived from plants that are about 3 months of storage capacity can reach one year. Seeds are obtained by allowing several stems of the plant to flower and bear fruit. The fruit dried in the sun to dry then threshed.

Spinach seed requirement per 10 m2 is 2-5 g or about 2-5 kg / ha of land.


Spinach planting is not through the nursery again. Seeds are spread immediately and kept large. First the soil is processed to loose. Depth of embankment for spinach unplug is 20 cm, and spinach 30 cm. So the ground is made bed width 1 m. Length can be made 5 m or more. Inter-bed made ditch with a width of about 30 cm. Add manure on the bed. The edge of the bed is made higher so that the fine spinach seed is not carried by the rain.

Before stocked spinach seeds are fine-sized mixed with sand or sand ash. Meaning that the seeds are not slippery in the hand so easily spread evenly. Spread may be in a row or evenly in all directions. Once dispersed cover with a thin layer of soil. Do watering with extra caution so that the seeds are not splattered by splashing water. Five days after seeded seeds will grow as young plants.


Young plants should be watered regularly. When the rain rarely comes down watering should be more attention. Always use fluffy gembor to water because the water spray that is too heavy or strong can knock spinach plants whose stems are not so sturdy.

The grasses are being pulled out. Weeding with cored on spinach land mostly outside the cultivation area or on the ditch / edge of the bed. While the grass that grows wedged, less competitive, crooked rods, and so forth revoked. Sometimes some farmers do not do preliminary thinning. Thinning is done at once with the first harvest. This method is not good if you want a good quality spinach.


The dosage of manure given per hectare is 10 tons. Also add Urea fertilizer 150 kg, TSP 100 kg, and KCl 75 kg per hectare. Chemical fertilizers are spread on both sides of the plant. When the spinach plants are planted in regular rows, the fertilizer is placed 5 cm from the left and right of the plant. Fertilizer is given 7 days after the seeds are spread.

Pests and diseases

Pests that often attack spinach include caterpillars. This caterpillar leaves bite marks on the leaves of uneven edges of the peripheral holes as a symptom of attack. In addition the aphids (Myzus persicae) often suck the liquid spinach leaves. The characteristic of the leaf is bent and twisted. Severe attacks cause leaves to fall, slow plant growth and dwarfs The control can use biological insecticides such as Bacillus thuringiensis (Dipel WP) at a dose of 1 g / l of water. Can also by spraying Diazinon with a dose of 1-2 cc / l of water.

When the young spinach is often attacked by the disease sprout. Symptoms are shown by the growth of abnormal sprouts, weak trunk, and fall. The cause is the Rhizoctonia solani fungus. Disease control by fungus on spinach by using Dithane M45 fungicide.


In accordance with the way of harvest, the age of harvest spinach and pull pull different. Spinach is harvested at 3-4 weeks after planting when plant height is about 20 cm. Hold the lower trunk and pull the spinach down to the roots. When pulled on the top batnag often stem broken into two. If the texture of the soil is less loose or do not want to include the roots, spinach can be cut using a knife. Cut the stem at the surface atras. When the plant is high can be cut 2 cm from the ground surface and if not too high can be cut from the start muncu.

Spinach harvested harvested many times. After 101.5 months after planting the initial picking may commence. Furthermore, the plant is allowed to grow back. A week later can be picked again.

Spinach yield in Indonesia, for the type of spinach unplug an average of 5 tons of fresh spinach / ha. Whereas the potential of spinach per hectare about 10 tons.

The spinach that has been harvested is easy to wither. So, after the harvest should be immediately sent to the market or consumer. The tips for maintaining freshness can be by putting the spinach in a watery place. However, if too long put in place, will damage the spinach leaves. Therefore, the proper way is to dip the root part only.