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How to Cultivate House Swallow

Swallow nest is known to have incredible properties for our health. Because the price is very expensive, not infrequently people hunt swallow nest that is generally very difficult to reach. They are willing to risk their lives to reach very difficult places, such as very high caves, to be able to harvest a very valuable swallow nest.

Business Opportunities Swallow Nest

If we are interested to do swiftlet nest business, in fact we do not always have to risk their lives to take swallow nests in the cave. Will we be able to develop the cultivation of home swallow, where we only need a house or building that will be used by swiftlet to make a nest. Here we will discuss the tips on how to cultivate home swallow nest.

Choice of Swallow House Location

In order to succeed, we need to use the technique of cultivating the home swiftlet nest carefully, because there are also some entrepreneurs who have made the house swallow but not managed to attract the swiftlet to make a nest in it. The failure is most likely to be on the site of the election. Therefore it is very important for us to know the most ideal location criteria for the cultivation of home swallow.

The most ideal location criteria from, first, away from the crowds or residential areas. So the location close to the rice fields, swamps, large rivers, beaches, lakes, open forests, and so forth is a very ideal place. Will we also need to know also the location we choose that there is no colony of birds of prey. Then the ideal location is located at a maximum height of 1000 meters from sea level.

House Live Swallow

The next success factor by what we condition our building or house swallow. This is one of the most important things in the technique of raising home swallow that we have to pay attention to. In essence, we must condition the swallow house we provide with the habitat habitat in the cave. We must pay attention to the humidity level, the level of lighting, and also the level of air temperature inside the swallow house to the emergency in the cave.

Humidity and temperature settings can be done by creating a swimming pool in a swallow house. The ideal air temperature to attract birds swallow to nest about 25 degrees Celsius, while the air humidity is about 90%. To place the birds in and out, we can make the holes in the top wall swallow house. While the holes for air ventilation should still be provided, but we must set the form of conditions in the house swallow remains dark.

How to Raise a House Swallow

How to raise birds swallow is difficult hard easy. To attract the attention of birds to want to nest in our swallow house, there are some tips that can be tried. The first is to make the straw that will be inhabited by small animals that feed the swiftlet. Then play a tape that plays swiftlet sounds every 4 pm to 6 pm.

If the birds are already nesting in the house, then we just wait for the harvest to arrive and take their nests. If we want to breed birds swallow, swallow cattle is quite simple and can be started while harvesting the nest. At harvest, there are two eggs inside the nest. We can incubate the eggs. How to take care of newly hatched swallow birds are fed three times a day kroto, given a stable warmers, and began to be released in our swallow house at night after the age of about 40 days.