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Cultivation Technique Guinea pig (marmots)

Lately more and more people are interested in making marmots as pets, especially teenagers and young people. This makes the cultivation of marmots as a potential new business land. People are getting interested to start their own marmot cultivation on both small and large scale. However, there are some important things you should know if you want to start your own marmot cultivation.

Characteristics of Guinea pig
Other animal breeding techniques info, the first thing you should know before starting Guinea pig cultivation is this animal animal. Knowing the characteristics of Guinea pig will facilitate you in the process of cultivation. Guinea pig is one type of rodent. This animal can live until the age of ten years with an average age of five to seven years. In Guinea pig cultivation things to watch out for are the cleanliness of the cages, feed, and the treatment of the fur.

Seed Selection
In addition to knowing the Guinea pig option, another noteworthy item is the selection of Guinea pig seeds to be cultivated. Choose a healthy seed and free from disease. This can be seen from physical conditions such as eyes, fur conditions, and body size. For beginners, you can buy a minimum of seedling seeds and three pairs of female seedlings. Another thing to note is the age of seedlings.

Preparation phase
Filtering techniques, feed arrangement, and equipment supplies. The enclosures are ideal for large full guinea pigs because these animals belong to the type of animals that are actively moving. You must provide at least two types of cages namely nursery cages and enclosures for Guinea pig mature. The size of the cage drink is 0.5 x 0.5 m. If you want more than one Guinea pig in one cage, then the size should be increased to 0.7 x 0.7 m.

Based on how to properly breed Guinea pigs, you are not encouraged to use a cage or aquarium or use a plastic container. Also make sure the enclosure has adequate ventilation and is not the same vision. The recommended enclosure is a cage made of mesh and a coroplast sheet.

Supplies Needed
In addition to the cage, other things need to be prepared in the process. The most important equipment is a bedding or a bed that is placed in a cage. You can use aspen wood shavings as a bed. Special savings on a regular basis to avoid the baud that guards the health of Guinea pigs being cultivated.

Other equipment required in Guinea pig aquaculture are drinking water bottles, food stands, straw racks, pigloos or small boxes of shelter, and beds. You can also include games such as a wheel or wheel.

Guinea pig is known as an animal that has a high appetite. Therefore, it is one of the important things in the way of these animals. You can provide a special Guinea pig pellet that is widely available in the market. In addition you can also provide a variety of vegetables such as lettuce, carrots, parsley, spinach, and tomatoes. You can also provide vitamin C intake of as much as ten to 30 mg daily.

Another thing to do in the treatment of guinea pigs is treatment. The most important treatment is the hair care. This can be done by bathing guinea pigs regularly and using shampoo with a special formula. In addition to bathing, you should also perform other treatments such as cutting the nails and combing the marmots on a regular basis.

Do not forget to remove the guinea pig from the cage occasionally and buy Guinea pigs playing in the room to reduce stress. When removing Guinea pig from the cage, make sure Guinea pig is always under your control. You can also provide toys for tissue rollers or bell toys as long as Guinea pig is outside the cage.