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How to Cultivate Rabbits

Here we will both learn how to rabbit an effective cultivation. Before, let's first understand why rabbit cattle can be a good business choice. For commercial purposes, cultivating rabbits, especially rabbits, can be a very profitable venture. The first driving factor is that the care and maintenance of rabbits is relatively easy. This is because rabbit feed is very easy to find, while rabbit breeding expertise is also easy to learn.

The next driving factor is that the business does not require a large area of land. Then when viewed from the side of capital, then rabbit breeding requires only a relatively small capital. In addition, the rabbit is a type of animal that can give birth to rabbit children in large quantities in one birth. So this will certainly be very profitable for us.

The special features of the rabbit are its large size, its weight can reach approximately 7 kilograms. In general, this type of rabbit is preserved for its meat (broiler rabbit). But the big and funny shape often also makes a lot of people buy it just to just keep this animal alone.

Well, that became one of the reasons why we better choose rabbits to be cultivated that is because the type of rabbit very much in demand, especially for a delicious meal. Rabbit meat is famous for its quality and has low fat content, so healthy for consumption. For those of you who have never had rabbit breeding experience, do not worry. Because below we will discuss the techniques and techniques of rabbit breeding.

Tips Rabbit Breeding

Before starting this business, there are some things we need to see for our livestock rabbits business can run smoothly. Here are tips for you. At first, we must choose a location that supports our efforts. In general, a good location that is not disturbing the surrounding environment and close to the sources of feed we need. In addition, it would be better also if the location we choose not too far from where to market the results of our cattle later. Ideal temperatures are good for growing rabbit cultivation that is 15 to 25 degrees centigrade and the place must be maintained. Then do not forget to choose a safe place from the disruption of pests and thieves.

The next tips choose a good seed. This option can be done by looking at the parent of the seeds we buy. Make sure the parent has a history of childbearing rabbits in large quantities. Next, run normal and healthy parent body condition, and have good fur and nipples that are at least a minimum of fruit. Then prepare the cage with the ideal size, length 90 cm x width 60 cm x height 60 cm. We can directly make a lot of cages or some first, depending on the capital we have. Then, our next preparation is how to cook and how to cultivate rabbits carefully.

How to Breed Rabbit

For rabbits, there are several cultivation techniques that are slightly different from the cultivation of local rabbits, given the purpose of this cultivation business that is to take the meat. we must make sure that our rabbits produce a lot of meat, so we must pay close attention to the feed we give. To feed the grass, then we should always provide it (with an unlimited amount), while for concentrate feed that is at least 50 grams per day. For the parent who is pregnant, then we added to 70 grams and for the mother who breastfeed then we add again to 200 grams.

How to Regenerate Rabbits

The rabbit is ready to be mated at the age of at least 5 months. A male can be paired with 10 females. For the election time of marriage, should be done in the morning or afternoon. Furthermore, if the rabbit has a child, then it can actually be mated again after more or less 10 days. But we should wait until about 45 days later after the parent weaning the rabbit children who are born.

let's do it, now.