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How to Cultivate Lovebird

Small with a height of about 13-17 centimeters and weighing between 15-60 grams, lovebird birds managed to attract the interest of bird collectors, or those who just love to keep birds. The beauty of feathers and sounds becomes its own 'selling point' for cute birds that are often called also by the name of this love bird. Many people are then interested to know the way of lovebird birds, because business opportunities that promise wide open.

Selection of Lovebird Seeds for Cultivation

The first step a person should take when starting a lovebird cultivation is seed selection. Some of the following tips will help you in determining lovebird superior seeds for the breeder you will build:

select the lovebird species with long beaks, large, thick, and wide-ranging; as well as looking strong,
select birds with large heads; because it shows good mental, note the bird's posture; the most ideal is the lovebird with medium posture, combined with the size of the body, legs, tail, and matching neck length.

The wide chest also indicates good lovebird seeds, choose a healthy lovebird, with signs: lively, bright and clean eyes, big and dry feet, and have a good appetite, for birds with okay sound strength, choose a longer neck longer and more solid and contain. The way of good and proper cultivation is indispensable.

However, choosing a good lovebird starter is certainly the most important at the beginning. The lovebird parent age for the ideal seed is young, about 7 months to 2.5 years. At this age, birds tend to be productive, especially if supported with additional food and good care. While the birds age more than 3 years are generally less productive, so it is not good for lovebird livestock business prospects.

How to Breed Lovebird

Keeping lovebird is quite easy-difficult. For beginners, there are many things to learn in order to make his loverbird cultivation endless. In fact, in the early phases of lovebird cultivation, at least one should be able to distinguish between male and female birds, as well as to sort out potential prospective mothers. The best way to breed lovebird is to keep one or a pair of birds; not directly in large quantities. It aims to know the offspring. Furthermore, after the parent elections are over, there are several parts of the lovebird cultivation technique that must be considered; including cage arrangement, food given, health care and bird cleanliness, to bird breeding to continue the offspring.

Lovebird Residence

The cage for lovebird dwellings is recommended to measure 40x40x80 centimeters, so that birds have enough space to move. Make sure this box is clean of dirt. Another case when the birds are about to lay their eggs and are in the phase of hatching eggs. What is needed is a box with a thickness of 2 centimeters and size 15x20x25 cm. As for the newly hatched baby lovebirds, let's put up a 40x40x40 cm box with the installation of a light bulb to warm the lovebird child; 5 watts is enough.


After setting up the cage, the next step of lovebird breeding techniques is feeding. Always remember that high quality fodder will have a positive impact on lovebird development; and vice versa. Generally, the feed given is that can provoke and increase the lust of the bird, thus speeding up the process of marriage. The suggested feeding examples are kwaci, young corn, mustard greens, and sprouts. As for newly hatched baby lovebirds, the most appropriate meal is a baby porridge mixed with water.

Obstacles Breeding Lovebird

Although lovebird maintenance is not too difficult to do, there are a number of obstacles commonly encountered bird breeder alon with this beautiful fur. The first most encountered is the difficulty in distinguishing between male and female birds. Tips that can be tried to overcome this is to feel the cupit part under the anus. If hard, dense, and pointed; possibly males. If soft, wide, and dull; then the female. The beak can also differentiate: it tends to widen the female, while the male lovebird is tapered.

Other obstacles encountered during the treatment period until marriage and egg hatching are as follows:

other animal attacks that often lead to death. Animals most often disturbing lovebirds are mice;
the difficulty of marrying a pair of lovebirds; to overcome this, breeders must know well the times lust of birds and feeds that increase lust, eggs that do not hatch; which is caused by lack of nutrients in the parent, bacterial infection, or sterile parent, foot abnormalities in newly hatched birds; one of the prevention efforts is to place a mother who is laying eggs in a place that is not slippery.