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How to overcome pest of chilli

This time will be discussed is a sticky trap. The trap in question is a trap with an adhesive. This trap takes advantage of an insect's interest in a particular color and this insect gets trapped on the adhesive. Some things about sticky sticky that will discuss this paper are:

The preferred color of insects

In insects, single eyes or oseli and compound eyes or omatidia are the means of receiving light stimuli. The single eye has a single corneal lens while the compound eye has many omatidium coated with a hexagon cornea lens.

The single eye serves to discriminate the intensity of light received. While the compound eye serves as a forming shadow in the form of a mosaic. Basically, many insects are color-blind. But not a few can distinguish colors.

The movement of a living thing that reacts to light or color is called phototaxis. If living things move close to the light / color it is a positive phototaxis like a laron clustered in a lamp. Flowers take advantage of this trait to attract insects to help pollinate, hence colorful flowers. If living things move away from the light / color it is a negative phototaxis like a cockroach away to the darkness highlighted by a flashlight.

Insect preference for color varies. As an example,

Honeybees can distinguish between blue and yellow and can not see red;

Head lice, winged aphids, leafminer fly, fruit flies are attracted to yellow.

Thrips pests that attack flowers or old leaves are attracted to the blue color

Insects like contrasting colors. The way insects see a color is not the way we look. Just as the green color of the leaves for the insects is yellow and blue color separately, considering the green is a combination of blue and yellow, insects attracted by blue and yellow are usually leaf pests. Therefore the color trap used to catch insect pests is usually yellow (yellow sticky trap) or blue (blue sticky trap).

The results of the study, 2010 showed that most insects trapped in white sticky trap among others, namely Order: Diptera, Family: Agromyzidae, Muscidae, Culicidae, Tephritidae; Order: Hymenoptera, Family: Chalcididae, Braconidae; Order: Hemiptera, Family: Aphididae, Chicadellidae (leafy green leafhoppers), Aleyrodidae. On the red sticky trap, among others, the Order: Diptera Family: Liriomyza; Order: Hymenoptera; Family: Braconidae; Order: Hemiptera Family: Aphididae. On the sticky trap of green, among others, the Order: Diptera, Family: Culicidae, Muscidae, Tephritidae; Order: Hymenoptera, Family: Chalcididae; Order: Hemiptera, Family: Cicadellidae, Aphididae; Order: Coleoptera, Family: Coccinellidae In blue sticky trap among other Order: Diptera, Family: Formicidae, Culicidae; Order: Hymenoptera, Family: Ichneumonidae; Order: Hemiptera, Family: Aphididae. Meanwhile, on yellow sticky trap among others, namely Order: Diptera Family: Agromyzidae, Culicidae; Order: Hymenoptera, Family: Chalcididae, Formicidae; Order: Hemiptera Family: Aphididae, Cicadellidae.

How color traps work

The color trap utilizes the properties of phototaxis postitally in capturing insects. Insects are generally attracted by yellow, blue, green, red and white. Insect pests that are attracted to the color in the color trap will come closer, perched and trapped.

Benefits of color traps

The main benefit of this color trap is to monitor the presence of pests around the plant. Pests caught on the sticky trap can be used as a reference in control. For example, many pests are caught fruit fly, then the control can be focused on fruit flies.

In addition to monitoring functions, color traps can also be used as a control tool. The more colors are installed, the more pests being caught and the attacks on the plants can be reduced.

How to Make a Color Trap
Tools and materials

Bottled mineral water packing
Paint wood / iron color yellow
Tiner / paint thinner
Clear plastic size 1 s.d 5 Kg depending on the size of the bottled water bottling meneral
Used oil or mouse glue
Rope raffia

How to make :

Bottle of mineral water we clean do not get any traces of water or oil in the bottle then yellow paint we dilute using tiner then inserted into mineral water bottle by torong as much as one third of bottle. After that the bottle is closed and rotated so that the paint is inside the bottle refraction coloring the entire surface in the bottle, after the color of the remaining paint remaining in the bottle is poured into another mineral water bottle is still clean so next until the paint or bottle to be painted yellow out . Based on test results for 1 kg of paint can be to paint bottles of mineral water size of 1.5 liters of 100 bottles and the time required is not up to 30 minutes. After the painting process finish the bottle that has been painted for a day and night to dry. Why is it painted inside? it is because to facilitate the painting in addition to the paint in the bottle tends to be more durable sticking compared to paint applied on the outside because it will quickly peeled off.

After the paint in the bottle is dry, the bottle is ready for use. Cover the bottle with clear plastic then given the glue of a rat that has been diluted with tiner or used oil used as adhesive. Why should it be lined with clear plastic? the goal is to keep the bottle durable and can be used repeatedly because if the insects are trapped already a lot then just throw away plastic and replace it with new plastic and then given again adhesive.

At this time in the market many adhesives are specially provided to trap insect pests but this yellow bottle media is the most easy and practical use, it would be better if combined with adhesive glue on the market with this yellow bottle media. When the adhesive is smeared evenly on the clear plastic trap yellow licks ready to be applied dilapang / area of ​​chili cultivation.

The method of mounting a yellow lure trap is tied to a height of one inch above the plant canopy, as the yellow livestock trap plant is raised following the canopy height of the plant so that the result can be optimal, it is aimed so that the pest insects can directly see the yellow lure trap over the plant canopy.

For chilli area area of ​​1000 m2 minimum in pairs of yellow likat traps with a bottle size of 1.5 liters of 10 pieces with the method of mounting zig-zag or sawtooth. When the trapped pest has filled most of the trap surface or 15 days after installation, it is necessary to replace it with a new trap, by removing the plastic and replacing it with new plastic and smearing the adhesive glue so next until the crop is exhausted (Distan Provinsi Jateng )

Yellow yellow traps are able to control some of the pests that often appear in crops, such as fruit flies, aphis, aphids, thrips, lice, moths, and ladybugs. Yellow yellow lure traps can be used as a solution for farmers in pest control in the field. Trap color or yellow sticky trap is commonly used in chilli, red onion, watermelon, melon, and others.