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How To Easily and Quickly Shrink Pores Acne Scars

The pores of the face enlarged by acne often make us feel disturbed. In addition to lowering self-esteem, enlarged pores are one of the main causes of other skin problems. As we know, all women will be willing to do anything to have smooth, clean and free skin from acne is no exception to find a way to shrink the pores of acne scars on the face.

In general, there are several ways to solve this one problem, one of which is by doing treatment at a beauty clinic. But treatment in a beauty salon or clinic certainly requires a budget that is not small. Not only that, if the sensitive skin care you do can certainly irritate the skin and cause other side effects. So is there any other safe way to do it? Relax do not worry, here is the most effective way to shrink the pores in the face.

how to minimize facial pores naturally and permanently:

Egg whites
It is common knowledge if the eggs are often used as the main ingredient to shrink the pores. How to use it very easily that separates egg whites from egg yolk and add a little honey. Stir until foamy then apply on face until smooth and set aside dry. Then rinse thoroughly. Not only can shrink the pores on the face, white mask egg is also useful to tighten facial skin and overcome oily skin.

Baking Soda
The second is by using baking soda. Baking soda is not only used to make a variety of cakes, but baking soda is also useful to overcome the enlarged pores. The trick is not difficult to clean the face of the makeup and then pour a tablespoon of baking soda into a water scoop. Stir and then use water to rinse the face and let stand for 2 minutes to be absorbed into the skin.

You can also use lemon juice to shrink the pores in the face. lemon-rich vitamin C and antioxidants are good for maintaining health and cleanse the skin from impurities. Way, take lime juice and thinly sliced ​​and stick to the face evenly and let stand for 10 minutes. For a more optimal result you can create a natural face mask from a mixture of lemon and honey. Provide a few spoons of honey in a bowl and add lemon juice. Mix well and apply on face and leave for a few minutes. After that you can rinse thoroughly.

How to shrink the most effective pores of the next acne scars is to use tomatoes. Tomatoes are rich in vitamin C and potassium that can shrink enlarged pores. Way, take two pieces of cooked tomatoes and thinly sliced. After that you can stick to the face and let stand for a few minutes. Or you can also smooth the tomatoes using a blender and apply on the face evenly.

Lemon and Oatmeal
Rough oatmeal texture can be used as a natural face scrub to remove dead skin cells. While the content of antioxidants in lemon is very good for maintaining skin health and beauty. Way, take a tablespoon of oatmeal and add lemon juice to taste. After that stir until shaped pasta. Then apply on face and leave for 15 minutes. Finally, rinse with cold water until clean. The combination of lemon and oatmeal not only can shrink the pores, but also can brighten the face and stay moist.

Apple and Cucumbers
In addition to a combination of lemon and oatmeal, you can also use a combination of apples and cucumbers to shrink the pores. This is because cucumbers have astrigen properties that can help you in overcoming this one problem. Way, cucumber and apple Pure and rub on face evenly. Let stand about 15 minutes then rinse with cold water.

Well, that's some way to shrink the pores of acne scars naturally and permanently strong. With perseverance will treat acne facial scars will definitely get a satisfactory result. If this method does not work again please read our other articles about facial subcategories above. Hopefully this beautiful information is useful and your face looks healthy again.