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Enlargement of Gurame Fish in Tub Cement

 Enlargement in a cement tub is done if the land is limited. However, the enlargement in cement tanks is relatively more controlled than in floating net cages or in ponds. The size of the cement tub is usually 4 x 4 m and 1.75 m high with 150 cm high water.

The use of a smaller tub can harm the condition of gouramy because it will fight over feed and oxygen with other gouramy. In addition, the body of the carp may be damaged by too often occur gesekatan with the pool wall.

1. Seed distribution

Seed distribution is done in the morning or afternoon when the weather is shady and the temperature is stable. Solid seed stocking 7 tail / m2 for seed size of 100 g / tail. During the maintenance period, the seeds are fed with pellets containing 25-30% protein. 

The feed is given at a dose of 3% of the total weight of the seed. Feeding is done gradually in the morning, afternoon, and evening. If gurami masi looks to eat, feeding can be increased intensity.

2. Provision of feed and care

The feed should be given little by little, so it can be eaten well by the carp. Gurame that has been full will usually leave the location of feeding stock. In addition to pellets, gouramy is also given additional feeds of sente leaves, cassava leaves, papaya leaves, genjer leaves, or kale leaves.

Pool cleanliness should be well controlled to prevent pests and diseases that may interfere with fish health. Diseased fish are immediately separated in quarantine ponds and treated promptly.

You can read our article how to gurame - fish - enlargement.

3. Long enlargement.

Long as an enlargement in the ground pool, to produce a cigarette pack of 10-12 pounds / kilo takes 75-100 days. Seeds of this size can already be harvested and sold or raised again up to 90-100 days to get a consumption gurame of size 500 g / tail.

Harvesting in a cement tank is the same as harvesting in a pond.