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Environmental Analysis of Mining and conclusion

Environmental Analysis of Mining

Since September 15, 2011, thousands of workers have been striking in the community and employees are both arguing, the lack of agreement among all parties to make the problem more and more prolonged. No exception Police Unity who became security guards against people who feel tersholimi. So the conflict widened on the emotional people who do a lot of separatist steps and join.

If this situation is not quickly resolved by all parties who are busy nina-bobo with self-benefit interests, it will all parties lose in the end. Discussion of this case in the face of internal crisis between Company and Employee, and External crises of Company and Society.

Talking about social inequalities in society, is an endless discussion. There will be many things related to social problems, because the various obstacles must be changed. One example of this moment that is heating up again is a conflict with workers who are stuck who actually just ask for a raise and people who need a sense of security and comfort.

If this problem is related to using system theory according to Katz and Khan who once explained that most of our interaction with people is communicative action both verbally and non-verbally. Communication of information exchange and transmission of meaning is the essence of social or organizational systems. Communication is a liaison between people in the organization, and communication that runs effectively and without any significant obstacles.

Conclusion of Mining Environment

The above case analysis shows that there is a fundamental causal relationship between employees in terms of ineffective communication, uncoordinated exchange and dissemination of information, and the lack of common goals in the organization's work accomplishments, the firms that want employees to work and the willingness of the departing employees back by holding a strike action.

Various violence that occurred increasingly make the people of Papua miserable. The repressive measures of the police force, in fact, make the situation tense. Police as a security and protector of society instead transformed into a frightening specter and become enemies of society, and as if desperately guarding and protecting interests.

It is questionable the role of the state in ensuring the lives of its people. Because, so far, the Government's attitude seems to let the various conflicts happen. It is not impossible if in the end that is also currently a lot of rebellion. Performed by people who struggle and want to separate themselves. If this situation is not properly considered by the Government, the Police, and the public. The concern that the Government has to do with the perspective, is to regard people as the nation's children who are not satisfied with the Government's behavior. This stigma must be changed, so that people do not continue to experience great disappointment with the government.